Thursday, June 23, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Soundtrack

btt button
What, if any, kind of music do you listen to when you’re reading? (Given a choice, of course!)

I listen to internet radio stations through iTunes; my favorite is Anwarock, a station playing an incredibly diverse mix of rock and pop from mostly English-language performers. The station is based in Morocco and occasionally plays French, Spanish or Arabic music but its mission is to promote English-language rock for a North African audience.  I love the crazy mix of stuff they play; it could be Cat Stevens one minute or Metallica the next or BĂ©nabar or Gypsy Kings or James Blunt. If I have the station on for more than a few minutes, I almost always end up buying a song or two for my own collection. And having a little music on in the background helps keep me alert and awake while I'm reading!

More Booking Through Thursday here!


Jo K said...

Interesting answer!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Your music choices sound intriguing...thanks for sharing.


Zibilee said...

I can't listen to music while I read for some reason. I like to sing along (off-key, mind you) and when I have music on, it really distracts me when I hear something I want to sing along with. Also, since I have gotten older it seems like it's harder to concentrate when I have music, or really any sound coming from the background. It kind of stinks because I would love to have some jazz or alternative rock going on in the background, but it never seems to work out. But I might have to try out Anwarock sometime!

Anonymous said...

interesting music choices.

here's mine:

Anonymous said...

I've never hear of Anwarock but it sounds interesting. I can't read with music but it's interesting that it helps you stay awake. I guess everyone is different and if it enhances the reading experience then why not keep it up! :)

Audra said...

Oooh, I love the sound of that station, although I can't listen to music with words when reading. I can when working, however, so I think I'm going to have to give this one a try!

Kathleen said...

Sounds like a wonderful mix of music to listen to while reading!