Monday, July 24, 2023

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


I finished What My Bones Know (review coming soon) and I picked a new memoir off my stack of memoirs. I actually went through my entire nonfiction TBR and set all the memoirs aside in one pile so I could pick the next with relative ease.

I chose The Dead Are Gods, by Eirinie Carson, a memoir about grief and loss and Blackness, about the author's dear friend. It's very good so far; I'm only a few short chapters in so I don't have tons to say but I've heard amazing things. I've just come back from a vacation and a short trip, and life is going to settle back into my normal routine, and I'm hoping that means more consistent reading. So hopefully that means I'll get back in groove.

Everything else is the same; I got some quality time in on Samantha Irby's new book Quietly Hostile with all the traveling and driving we've been doing.

What are you reading this week? I'm a little slow to moderate comments but I'll catch you when I can.

And my Substack is really where it's at these days; you can subscribe on my "About Me" page.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That looks so good. I'm re-reading the Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.