Sunday, February 24, 2008

A New Challenge- The TBR Challenge

The goal of the TBR Challenge is to dig into that pile of books I've been piling up and actually read some of them. It's hard, between what I read for work, for review and for fun, to balance it all out, and it's not like I ever stop buying books. So here is my list:

The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin, by P.D. Ouspensky (done)

Fantasies of a Bollywood Love Thief: Inside the World of Indian Moviemaking, by Stephen Alter

Scarlet and Black, by Stendahl

Death in the Truffle Wood, by Pierre Magnan (done 3/5)

A Little Love Story, by Roland Merullo

We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Fatelessness, by Imre Kertesz

Klezmer, by Joann Sfar

The Electric Michelangelo, by Sarah Hall

The Known World, by Edward P. Jones

The Fairy Gunmother, by Daniel Pennac

Shosha, by Isaac Bashevis Singer

I think there is a good variety here- long books, short books, classics, new books, a graphic novel, some nonfiction too. I'll keep the pile near where I read, and little by little go through them. Should be a fun year!

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