My answer: My favorite bookstore is the Harvard Bookstore, in Harvard Square in Cambridge. It's an independent bookstore that is amazing. It has a great selection of fiction, especially literary fiction and off-the-beaten path books. It has a nice children's section and some graphic novels as well as extensive nonfiction, although I use it mostly for fiction. It also has a whole floor in the basement devoted to used books and remainders, including a lot of graphic novels and manga. They have an online presence but I've never shopped online. One time I did reserve a book online though.
I go book shopping whenever possible! My husband and I go to Borders and Barnes and Noble frequently in the evenings. A few of my favorites are favorited in my LibraryThing, like Porter Square Books (also in Cambridge), Borders, Schoenhof's (a foreign-language bookstore) and Globe Corner Bookstore (specializing in travel books). I love the LT local feature; I used to attend a lot of readings but over the last few years I don't seem to get out as much.
I do not have the HTML thing down yet, but my comment is posted on my blog.
Thanks, Marie! That was a lot of fun to answer, and I always love bragging on my "people" :-D
In the Shadow of Mt. TBR
My answer is here.
Love going to bookstores!
Here's mine
I've had a hard day, otherwise I'd give that HTML thing a try. (Maybe next week!) Here's mine:
Here is my answer...happy Tuesday everyone!
Here's my answer.
Ok that link got cut off. Just click my name.
Up and at it early this week. My answer is posted at
my blog.
Too funny, this "great minds think alike" thing ...
See my "Week Ahead" post on Monday. I've been brewing an idea over the weekend for a new series highlighting our favorite bookstores.
I posted the outline of the idea last night on my blog
I haven't posted the first spotlight, on the Concord Bookshop ... it's written, but I was hoping for some photos to go along with it. This rain is really starting to get to me!
Anyway, I'd love to invite you all to write short guest posts that I can cross-post on my SOBs page. We can add pics, etc.
I'd like to keep the essays to one store (or town) at a time, just to make it easier to navigate.
If you're interested, drop me a Comment or use the Contact tab.
Marie, we haunt some of the same bookstores, although I'm in Cambridge less now that we live "in the country!" I miss Wordsworth, too, that used to be one of my favorites when we were in school. And I used to only "shop" the remainders and used books at the Harvard Book Store (I'm glad those Ramen noodle days are over :) )
I'll have my full post about the Concord Bookshop up later today, with or without photos.
Marie, it sounds like you have some wonderful bookstores. I've never much been into them myself - but they haven't been as fabulous as yours. :)
Here is my post
My post is here! Great question.
My post is posted!
I also posted about favorite bookstores recently - you can find that post here.
Mine is up!
Here's my answer - http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com/2008/08/12/tuesday-thingers-2/
I miss the Harvard bookstore, I used to go there ages ago when I had reasons to spend time in Cambridge. My post up here.
I went to college in Waltham, and used to spend a lot of time at WordsWorth in Harvard Square. I miss that store!
Let me try again - my link is here
More great questions. Thanks, Marie. My answers are here.
My post about my favorite book stores. I wasn't able to pick just one.
Here's mine, after missing a couple of weeks.
Harvard Bookstore is definitely a great one. I miss being close to so many terrific bookstores. I went to college in Waltham too (like Jaime some comments up), so some of my favorites are still up in Boston. here is my post.
At the Baltimore Sun's book blog (baltimoresun.com/readstreet), we asked readers to tell us which bookstores they visit on vacation. We've received more than 130 recommendations from Maine to California, and they're still coming in. Here's a U.S. map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=100515186800624771848.00044ef22bd1d720733d3&ll=35.746512,-95.625&spn=55.832856,70.3125&z=2&source=embed
My post is up here
Here is mine this week.
My reply is here: http://karenvanuska.livejournal.com/25727.html.
Great questions this week! My Tuesday Thingers is here.
I spent the morning with Margaret Atwood, but I'm up in Readerville . Happy Tuesday!
Another good question...and HERE is my answer to this weeks question!
Ok, tried the html link..hope this works!
Here is my answer.
~ Popin
Here is my response.
I'm not as privileged as Marie to live in Boston, where so many great bookstores are. ;) However, we have a nice little bookstore where I live that does just fine. Plus they can order anything. To see a slideshow I created of the hometown bookstore, visit here.
Here's mine though I got on my soapbox my this week.
Here's mine!
Now I'm off to look at everyone else's answers - and probably take notes too - I love bookshops :)
Great question. Brings back many memories of my days in Boston. My response is here.
And mine's here:
Livejournal version
WordPress version
I've been to Boston/Harvard a couple times and have yet to be to that bookstore, although I've heard it's amazing!!!
Here's my answer
My favorite bookstore, High Crimes in Boulder CO, closed not long ago, but I have access via internet. I am a big fan of B&N for at least book searches and wishlisting.
My post can be found here
Great topic this week. I've posted my responses on my blog.
Alyce over at http://athomewithbooks.blogspot.com/ left a Tuesday Thingers post as well! Welcome aboard Alyce :-)
Better late than never, right?
Posting here a bit late...
But, here's mine.
Here is my answer. I'm so behind this week, but I enjoy the topic. :)
I practically live at my local Borders. Seriously, if they start to take notice of how much time I spend there, they might start charging me rent.
Better late than never :-). I wish we had some good indie bookstores around here.
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