Friday, December 16, 2011

The Last Friday Finds Before Christmas

Because now it's going to be all about buying for others and I'm not getting any books for myself until after the big day.
I picked up Vera, by Stacy Schiff, because an autographed copy of her acclaimed, Pulitzer winning biography of Mrs. Nabokov showed up in my pile of books to shelve. And because I really wanted it anyway. I read part of Cleopatra but put it down because I don't have time for audio books; I still would like to finish the print version and read this book, too.

And I finally picked up The Sense of an Ending, Julian Barnes' Booker Prize winner from this year. Who knows why it took me so long.

And you? Have a great weekend and see more Friday Finds here.


Zibilee said...

I told myself that I was going to stop buying books for myself a few weeks ago to prepare for Christmas, but then I went and ordered some yesterday! I seem to have a problem...

These look like great reads and I hope that you enjoy them!

Harvee said...

I really do want to start reading more prize winning books. These look good.

Sandy Nawrot said...

We might as well just admit defeat and buy what we want. That is what I'm saying. Except I'm going to do the TBR Dare with James for the first three months of 2012 so I'd better buy NOW.

bermudaonion said...

I'm sure you'll enjoy both of them!

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I put myself on the hold list for the Barnes at my library, and I think I'm something like #237!

Sophia Chang said...

Merry Christmas and hope you get lots of books under the tree!

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