Monday, February 15, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I finished The Pirate and Leaving Russia: A Jewish Story this week. Both were good in their own ways. Reviews coming soon.

On Friday I started Lawrence Wright's Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalistic account of the controversial "religion." I'm enjoying it a lot and look forward to delving further in. A while back I listened to an episode of the Worst Bestellers podcast taking on L. Ron Hubbard's tome Dianetics. Listen here if you want.

On the fiction front, I started Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist, by Sunil Yapa, about the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999.  I'm about 100 pages in and it's good, very plot-oriented and one plot twist already. My goal is to finish by the end of the week so I can get started on my next crime fiction reading group book in time.

I also decided to re-read Alison Bechdel's Fun Home, which I read in 2006 when it came out. It's such a great graphic novel/memoir. She's a rock star.

That's it for me! What are you reading this week?

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