I picked up Oil on Water, by Helon Habila, and Speak, Memory, by Vladimir Nabokov when I was out with Dawn and Sandy last Friday, at Trident Books and Raven Used Books, respectively. I've always meant to read Speak, Memory, Nabokov's autobiography, and Dawn made Oil on Water sound fantastic. Book pusher! Dawn also gave me a galley of Stephen Kellman's Pigeon English, shortlisted for the Booker Prize. I hope it wins so I can have the galley for my collection!
I got The Book of Disquiet, by Fernando Pessoa, after reading about him in Carmela Ciuraru's wonderful Nom de Plume: A (Secret) History of Pseudonyms. It's different- more of a series of reflections than a story per se. But I like it.
I cheated a little and ordered A.S. Byatt's new book, Ragnarok, from Britain because there was no way I could wait until whenever it comes out here. It's part of the Canongate Myths series; other entries include Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad and Jeanette Winterson's Weight. I don't know if I should review it here yet; what do you think?
More Friday Finds at shouldbereading.wordpress.com.
I am seriously in love with the cover of that first book...
Ever since I read Possession I've been scared by her books though I have one on my TBR shelf. I have heard good things about Oil on Water. I will be happy to read what you think about it.
Shopping for books with other bloggers is seriously dangerous. It looks like you found some treasures!
Wait, A.S. Byatt has a new book?? I've still got The Children's Book on my nightstand.. better get going.
I covet all your books! I've got an e-ARC of Ragnarok and I'm so enjoying it right now -- I told a friend that Byatt so captures that feeling of being a child and reading something that is so real, you're lost in that world... Can't wait to see what you think of it -- sadly, I must save my review until the US release date of it! :/
I am always excited to find new Europa books! This one looks really good. I am also intrigued by the AS Byatt book!
Wow, what a haul! I'd love to have a look at the Europa's Polka Dot book, but I can absolutely guarantee Habila's Oil on Water. Byatt's Children's Book was very dense so I can wait for the next book, though I dearly love her writing. Absolutely review it whenever you read it--don't wait to publish. Publishers may disagree, and if they gave you the galley, I would follow their wishes. But since you bought it, and your audience is probably international to some extent anyway, go for it. Speak, Memory is undeniably a classic, worth savoring like a late summer picnic afternoon.
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