Friday, October 12, 2007

A bit of book news worth noting

Doris Lessing, author of many books including The Golden Notebook and most recently The Cleft, which I reviewed here, has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. NPR covered the story here and you can find out more information by going to or her page at Wikipedia. According to the NPR article is she only the 11th woman to ever win the Nobel Prize for Literature. See also the official page of the Nobel Prize for more information on the prize itself and its history. Brava Doris!


. said...

Hi, Marie. I too think it's great that Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize! I read The Golden Notebook way back in college and it has stayed with me ever since even while its plot details have grown hazy. In honor of Doris Lessing's Nobel Prize, I've started a new blog in which I give my real-time reactions to books as I read them, and I've started with The Golden Notebook. Feel free to drop by if you're curious. I'm at All the best, K.

. said...

Hi, Marie. Thanks for visiting Imp Reader and for your kind comments on my project! I like your site very much, and have subscribed to your RSS feed. All the best, K. from Imp Reader

Marie Cloutier said...

aww thanks! :-)