Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Salon

A slow Sunday for me- (work beckons) but here's what I'm up to.
  • I finished Songs for the Missing, Stewart O'Nan's new book coming out in November. Thank you Barnes and Noble! I'll post a review later this week; I have to think of what to say first!
  • I'm reading The Secret History of Moscow, by Ekaterina Sedia, a post-Soviet Russian fantasy novel about a woman whose sister turns into a bird, and
  • We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin, another Russian, but dystopian science fiction this time.
The other day, visiting a local library, I picked up a used copy of Antonia Fraser's biography of Marie Antoinette; I think that will make great summertime hammock reading, and I found out that I'm getting The Genizah at the House of Shepher from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. I am so excited about this book- I haven't received an ER book from LibraryThing in several months (the last book I reviewed here, Pirkei Avos with a Twist of Humor, was from their March batch but arrived at my house in early May, so it just seems recent) and I really, really wanted The Genizah so I'm psyched. I'm auditioning it and another book, Sarah's Key, as possible picks for the library where I work. So we'll see how it goes. It's beautiful weather where I am- I hope you all are having a great Sunday!


wisteria said...

Hi Marie, Thanks for visiting my blog,
A Bookworm's Dinner. It is nice to meet new people. I am also an ER for Library Thing. I'm reading Home Girl right now. It just came and it was an April Book.
I like the name of your group.
I am a member of 3 groups. That's all I can handle right now. I don't know how others do it. I wish I had more time. If I could blog, read and write all day, I would have the perfect job. We can dream right?

The Bookworm said...

hi, the biography of Marie Antoinette sounds like it would be an interesting read.

LibraryThing sent me 'the wednesday sisters', which I'm very excited to read soon.

enjoy your weekend :o)

LisaMM said...

I'm not quite finished with Songs for the Missing.. I set it down to read the first LT early reviewers book I ever received- and then I learned I have another one coming from the May batch, too, so I'm really excited! I love LT!!