Thursday, May 22, 2008

Booking Through Thursday

Books and films both tell stories, but what we want from a book can be different from what we want from a movie. Is this true for you? If so, what’s the difference between a book and a movie?

I'm not sure. I think I look for well-developed characters and a compelling story from both. I think I expect more from a book; I expect a more intellectual experience when I read. I like them both to be more than merely entertaining but I can enjoy a good trashy novel more than a trashy movie. When I go to see a film adaptation of a book I've enjoyed, I'm hoping for a movie that's more or less faithful to the book and that gives me an experience that's similar to the experience of reading the book. Big changes to the plot bother me more than, say, an actor who doesn't fit the physical appearance of the character I had in my imagination.


Anonymous said...

I can watch a movie for pure fun value..slapstick humour or Blood and gore with lots of action. Then I don't look for story lines. However, movie adaptions of books is an entirely different matter.

Here is my BTT post!

trish said...

I have the best quote on this question. Seriously, go check it out:

(sorry I don't have the EXACT address)

Lesley said...

Well said! I agree that a trashy book is easier to deal with than a trashy movie — except the movie takes a lot less time!

Anonymous said...

Like you, I rather that the movies are as faithful as possible. Odd twists and turns that really don't have anything from the book and don't really help the movie really annoy me. I've also just added you to my LibraryThing Bloggers page, so drop by to make sure your name and link are correct :)

pussreboots said...

Even big changes in the plot don't bother me much. Happy BTT.