Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday Thingers- a little late, sorry!

Sorry I'm a little late posting- the long weekend (and some other changes to my schedule) threw me off a little.

So the question this week is- how many books do you have cataloged in your LibraryThing account? How do you decide what to include- everything you have, everything you've read- and are there things you leave off?

I have 796 books in mine. Mostly they are books I've read and/or own at the moment. I keep books in my LT catalog even if I've gotten rid of them if they have reviews attached (to keep my reviews and the statistics) but I delete them if I don't. Most everything I've read is rated. I don't include wish-list books I haven't bought though. And you?


LisaMM said...

Mine's up:


Lenore Appelhans said...

Mine is up too!


Lenore Appelhans said...

I forgot to add that you really should come by because I also have a hilarious cat picture to offer :)

Jacquie L Reaville said...

Here's mine. I see you don't add wish list books either. Do you have a separate list somewhere?

Calliope's Coffee House: How Many Books Do You Have Listed?

Anonymous said...

Mine is up too! Bookroom Reviews

Laura said...

Here's mine: http://the-goldenroad.net/?p=81


Anonymous said...

How do you handle books you've read but wouldn't recommend? I keep them catalogued (for now) with an appropriate comment or review. I'm interested in hearing how others handle this, comment at:

Marcia said...

Here's mine: http://printedpage.blogspot.com/2008/05/tuesday-thingers_27.html

jlshall said...

Mine's here:


The Tome Traveller said...

Mine is here:


Lisa said...

Mine's up, too!


BooksPlease said...

My post is up.

See here.

tapestry100 said...

Here's mine for the week.


Anonymous said...

Here is mine for this week!

Aarti said...

Mine is also up!

Anonymous said...

I just started Tuesday Thingers. Here is my post:


Anonymous said...

Add me to Tuesday Thingers. Here's my post:


My Journey Through Reading... said...

Mine is up at:

Anonymous said...

Whew! Made it this week... Here's my link: http://karenvanuska.livejournal.com/

Alea said...

I watched you guys start this up and I figured I must join finally! Here's my post http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/2008/05/tuesday-thingers.html

Elizabeth said...

Me too, me too!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Click Here for my link. I am betting I have the smallest number...lol!

Amy said...

mine is up!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

me too...very late...almost a wednesday thingers!!! sorry...in the process of building ANOTHER chicken tractor...shhhhhhh!

the link:

B&b ex libris tuesday thingers!

Anonymous said...

Wordpress version
LiveJournal version

Cheryl Vanatti said...

Better late than never!
Mine's finally up.....


Candy Schultz said...

3,600+ catalogued.

Literary Feline said...

Mine is up. I answered both last week and this week's questions since I missed out last week.

Library Cat said...

Better late than never!

Also, I am remembering that someone is setting up a ring - this will be my first one, so I might need a little direction. Any help would be appreciated.