Sorry I'm a little late posting- the long weekend (and some other changes to my schedule) threw me off a little.
So the question this week is- how many books do you have cataloged in your LibraryThing account? How do you decide what to include- everything you have, everything you've read- and are there things you leave off?
I have 796 books in mine. Mostly they are books I've read and/or own at the moment. I keep books in my LT catalog even if I've gotten rid of them if they have reviews attached (to keep my reviews and the statistics) but I delete them if I don't. Most everything I've read is rated. I don't include wish-list books I haven't bought though. And you?
Mine's up:
Mine is up too!
I forgot to add that you really should come by because I also have a hilarious cat picture to offer :)
Here's mine. I see you don't add wish list books either. Do you have a separate list somewhere?
Calliope's Coffee House: How Many Books Do You Have Listed?
Mine is up too! Bookroom Reviews
Here's mine: http://the-goldenroad.net/?p=81
How do you handle books you've read but wouldn't recommend? I keep them catalogued (for now) with an appropriate comment or review. I'm interested in hearing how others handle this, comment at:
Here's mine: http://printedpage.blogspot.com/2008/05/tuesday-thingers_27.html
Mine's here:
Mine is here:
Mine's up, too!
My post is up.
See here.
Here's mine for the week.
Here is mine for this week!
Mine is also up!
I just started Tuesday Thingers. Here is my post:
Add me to Tuesday Thingers. Here's my post:
Mine is up at:
Whew! Made it this week... Here's my link: http://karenvanuska.livejournal.com/
I watched you guys start this up and I figured I must join finally! Here's my post http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/2008/05/tuesday-thingers.html
Me too, me too!!
Click Here for my link. I am betting I have the smallest number...lol!
mine is up!
me too...very late...almost a wednesday thingers!!! sorry...in the process of building ANOTHER chicken tractor...shhhhhhh!
the link:
B&b ex libris tuesday thingers!
Wordpress version
LiveJournal version
Better late than never!
Mine's finally up.....
3,600+ catalogued.
Mine is up. I answered both last week and this week's questions since I missed out last week.
Better late than never!
Also, I am remembering that someone is setting up a ring - this will be my first one, so I might need a little direction. Any help would be appreciated.
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