Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Salon

I have absolutely no plans this Sunday apart from going to the gym and reading! What a nice feeling.

I'm working on:
  • The White Mary, by Kira Salak, which I'm almost done with (two chapters to go) and loving;
  • The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, one of my "Summer Challenge" books, which I'm also enjoying, and
  • Husband and Wife, by Zeruya Shalev, which I've been reading one chapter at a time for a week or two. It's very strange. I'm taking my time with it.
I just ordered The Idol Lover, written by Moazzam Sheikh, a San Francisco librarian and reader of my blog (hi!) because I'm just so curious about it. I was going to wait until I actually go to San Francisco later this summer and pick it up at City Lights but like I said, curiosity and all. I've just about worked out a system to deal with my sense of being overwhelmed by books to read. From now on I'm going to follow this plan:
Simultaneously, I'll read
  • one book I'm obligated to review,
  • one recent book/ARC of my choosing, and
  • one book just for me.
That plan doesn't include bedside books (one chapter a day) and graphic novels and manga. I read manga when I'm on the bus going to the gym and graphic novels whenever I need a break from regular books. My next review book is The Triumph of Deborah by Eva Etzioni-Halevy. I'll start that tomorrow.

How do you prioritize your reading?


Andi said...

Cheers to largely obligation-less Sundays! I have to write a test today, but other than that I'm free to nap and read.

Enjoy your day!

Wendy said...

I have The White Mary on my TBR shelf too - so glad to hear you are liking it. I read Cisneros' book last year and really loved the simple, poetic nature of it.

Literary Feline said...

Any day where obligations are at a minimum are worth celebrating. :-) I am having a rather lazy Sunday too and hope to get in some much needed reading.

I tend to read one book at a time, on the rare occasion two. I haven't been able to juggle more than that. I get so involved with whatever book I am reading that I don't want to put it down for the other.

I hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I tend to read one book at a time as well and often that means I'm reading for a book group. Otherwise it's often a question of which book I have to get back to the library next!

Michele said...

I can only read one book at a time. I prioritize first by when I have to be done (library return, ARC, etc). Then usually which one makes me most curious. Either due to knowing I'll love it (series or known author) or because it fits a need (fast read, make me think, etc.).

Anonymous said...

i am so touched that you've mentioned my book on your blog. it's got some uncomfortable stories, so be prepared :) one small point: it is Idol, not Idols. The phrase Idol Lover was borrowed from a famous couplet penned by a 19th century poet. Let me know when or before you're in SF.
- moazzam

Marie Cloutier said...

Moazzam, thanks for the warning and I will prepare myself. I'm a big girl though & I think I can handle it. :P I heard the interview you did on Progressive Radio as well; very interesting!

Anonymous said...

I usually read only one book at a time because I end up getting the details mixed up otherwise. I'm glad to hear The White Mary is good, I have it too.

moazzam sheikh said...

thanks much!
- moazzam