The winner of my giveaway of an Advance Reader's Copy of Sarah Addison Allen's Garden Spells is....
Thanks to everyone who participated and don't forget to check out Alea's blog, Pop Culture Junkie, as well!
p.s. If anyone is interested in an ARC of a certain hot summer book about to be released, about Salem psychics and a certain kind of "reading", come back to my blog anytime between this afternoon and July 29!
Thanks so much! I'm so excited! I've just responded to your email :)
Well, I don't see the logo on your blog, so I'm going to go ahead and nominate you as a Brillante Weblog: http://aliveontheshelves.blogspot.com/2008/07/its-honor-to-be-nominated.html
The rules are on my post. No pressure if you don't have time for it. But I enjoy your blog and this gives me a chance to say so!
The book arrived today! Thank you so much! I just love your business cards! The size just kills me, I love it! The printing is fantastic too, where did you have them done!
Alea, I had them done at moocards.com. Thanks! :-) Hope you enjoy the book.
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