I'm doing a giveaway for an Advance Reader's Copy of Toni McGee Causey's new book, Bobbie Faye's (kinda, sorta, not-exactly) Family Jewels. Publisher's Weekly says the book is "hilarious, pitch-perfect... Causey doesn't miss a beat in this wonderful, wacky celebration of Southern eccentricity."
From the back:
It's been a whole month since Bobbie Faye Sumrall has blown up anything, and that's almost a record. But when her diva cousin Francesca waltzes into CeCe's Cajun Outfitter (where Bobbie Faye mans the gun counter), everything goes to hell...Sounds like a great summer read to me. If you agree and would like to win a copy, leave a comment with your email address and I'll enter you into the giveaway. Blog about the contest and I'll enter you twice!
The giveaway will close Wednesday, August 6 at 6:00pm EST. I'll announce the winner soon thereafter.
Good luck and good reading!
oh i loved the first one. Would love to read this one too. Fun.
Okay, I'll own up to being a Toni McGee Causey fangirl.
I blogged about the contest at Win a Book. Anything to bring Toni more notice.
Please enter me, this sounds hysterical! I've blogged about your contest here.
This does sound like a good read. Please enter me. Thanks
clbstitch at yahoo dot com
Cool! Sounds like a whole lotta fun! I'm in :) Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail .com
Blogged for extras! :)
I wanna win this!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I would love to be entered into this contest.
Oh please this sounds like a hilarious book and I love those, please enter me, and I will be adding this to my Mama Bear Reads blog contest post, toot sweet!
Heeee. Can't possibly enter the contest (tooooo much to read already), but I'll definitely point folks your way!
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I blogged about the contest for an extra entry:
I can't wait to read this sequel. Please enter me too! I blogged about this giveaway at http://readinginappalachia.blogspot.com/
Thanks so much!
This book sounds great. Enter me in the contest, please.
Enter my please! I'm off to post about you now - thanks!
brightmyer249 at hotmail dot com.
I'd love to win this. By the way, your blog is beautiful - I'm adding it to my blogroll. milou2ster@gmail.com
Enter me please!! This one looks like a fun book! I love your blog and check it everytime my blog list shows you've posted. I'll be adding your contest to my list!
bookworm2511 at yahoo dot com
I'd love to read this book! Please enter me!
--Anna (Diary of an Eccentric)
diaryofaneccentric (at) hotmail (dot) com
This one sounds fun, included me! tWarner419@aol.com
Would love to win it & I blogged about it...thanks!
Sounds interesting, thanks for entering me!
whatkatesreading AT gmail DOT com
Greetings! There is still enough summer left to read a fun book. Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi
This sounds great. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a hoot! This is a new author to me - I would love to give it a try.
Thanks for the giveaway, Marie. I blogged about it HERE.
When I first read that title, I thought Bobby Flay, and that you were giving away a cookbook. It sounds like a cute book.
literarily AT live DOT com
Oh, I'd love to read this one! Thanks for the contest! You are giving it away on my birthday!!
I would like to be entered into this contest I'm starting on the 1rst one right now Bobbie Faye's very Bad Day and would love to get this follow up to it! Thanks, photoquest(at)bellsouth(dot)net
I loved the first Bobbie Faye book too! Please enter me. picklechic@hotmail.com
That sounds like a lot of fun -- let's see if lady luck on my side.
I've wanted to try this author since seeing this book. Sign me up for your giveaway.
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