I'm not sure what this Sunday holds for me in terms of reading. I'm within twenty pages of finishing The Madonnas of Leningrad, a quick but satisfying (so far) book about a woman who survived the siege of Leningrad, and I'm still working my way through American Wife.
Yesterday my husband and I visited the new Borders Concept Store out in Wareham, Mass., (more on that in a couple of days) and I picked up Midnight's Children, by Salman Rushdie,

Today we are going out to Hingham, Mass., and a park called World's End, which is featured in Discovering the Boston Harbor Islands, which I was given to review. I've read the book but I want to take a couple of trips before I write my review, because the islands are nearby and I think it would help me write a better review. Next weekend we're going to an author event on one of other islands, and that will bring the grand total I've visited to four.
I hope everyone has a great day!
I've never read Rushdie either. Or I should say, I've never FINISHED Rushdie. I started and quit The Satanic Verses and Haroun and the Sea of Stories, but I still hold out hope for Midnight's Children and The Ground Beneath Her Feet (both on my stacks). Enjoy your day trip!
I've also never read any Rushdie, but I think I have one of his books in my library... I'll have to check and see.
You've got my interest piqued on the new Borders concept store... do tell!
Oh, I really enjoyed The Madonnas of Leningrad when I read it - wonderful book.
I also have never re Rushdie and he is one of those authors I really feel I *should* read.
I know how you feel about Rushdie - I had gotten The Satanic Verses as a gift with the sentiment "as a lover of books you really need to read this!" Now looking at the book makes me feel like less of a bibliophile.
I've read a few Rushdie works - The Satanic Verses, The Moor's Last Sigh, East/West and The Ground Beneath Her Feet. I love his work but he's really difficult to get into. Usually I have to put his stuff down for awhile and come back to it a week later. Unfortunately, I started Midnight's Children and then put it down about 6 months ago and haven't gone back...which means I probably have to start over!
I am in complete agreement with Wendy. Loved Madonnas... feel as though I should read Rushdie. I believe that I will someday.
I look forward to your thoughts on the new concept store. I am taking a road trip there tomorrow to check it out.
And yes, confession ... I've never read Rushdie either, though I did purchase The Satanic Verses when it was first published as a protest against the whole fatwah thing.
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