Today's topic: Book-swapping. Do you do it? What site(s) do you use? How did you find out about them? What do you think of them? Do you use LT's book-swapping column feature for information on what to swap? Do you participate in any of the LT communities that discuss bookswapping, like the Bookmooch group for example?
My answer: Yes, I do some book-swapping, exclusively on Bookmooch. I got into it after playing with the swap column in LT and realizing that some of my books which I considered dogs, were actually in high demand elsewhere. I thought- hey, I can get rid of this, and get something I want in return! I tried a couple of other sites, including PaperBackBookSwap, and it just seemed like too much hassle to have accounts on more than one. I like the simplicity of Bookmooch and once I was up to speed on mooching etiquette I've had mostly good experiences. I have a few "friends" on Bookmooch (I'm mariekat over there- friend me!) but it's not a feature I use much. I used to be in the LT Bookmooch group but the questions tend to be repetitive. Overall I really enjoy being able to swap books and get the things I want for very little money. And it's recycling too- always a good thing.
I'll swap ya Tuesday for a Sundae!
Mine's up:
Yikes, html still not working - sorry!
Just click on my name or put this in your browser til I can figure out why this isn't working for me...
Oh, and it's worth it for the kitty picture this week!
At least I'm not last one this week.
Here we go...love to swap!
Here's mine for this week:
@ The Golden Road
Good morning, Tuesday Thingers! OK, let's see if this will work.
Here's my answer.
I'm not a thinger, but I'm a Moocher. I find more of my wishlist books at PaperBackSwap, and I like the way their wish list works better (it's a line and you take your number and wait your turn rather than the free-for-all that is BookMooch), but other than that, I think I like BookMooch better. The people there seem more in tune with the books I have to share, and I have a ridiculous number of points stored up.
My post is here.
Here's mine.
Here's mine
Here's mine! I'm actually on time this week.
And here's mine, from my brand-new blog. (nperrin on LT)
My answer is at www.silverheronsnest.blogspot.com
Hi Marie, I may have to try bookmooch. I considered it one day but backed out, they didn't have most of the books I was looking for.
Count me in as another Moocher. is finally up, too. Thanks.
Here is my link. I hope that everyone is having a great day. Marie, thanks again for sponsoring this group! I really enjoy it!
Mine is up! http://shhhimreading.blogspot.com/
Lol I have 'dogs' too.... I'll have to see if anyone really wants them!
Mine is up here.
Here's mine!
Here is my post for the week. I'm not exactly a book swapper, so it's short and sweet!
Here is my post.
Mine's up!
Mooching Addict
Wordpress version
LiveJournal version
Ok, my Tuesday Thinger is up!
Book Mooch has recycled envelopes. Didn’t you post about that? If so, you are probably the one I learned it from. If not, I can’t remember. :(
I have my Tuesday Thingers posted. Click here for the link.
I always forget to post here that my answer is up.
Here's mine!
My answer is here!
Mine's up!
Hi, I'm new at this, just joined the ER group last week. My LT name is Alirambles. My answer is posted on Worducopia.
A day late, but I participated this week!
Better late than never :-). My answer's up, so it must be Friday!
My response is up and ready.
I don't participate in any book swapping community or group, and so my answer to this week's question was really short.
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