Also, if you feel like you don't have enough memes, you can visit The Daily Meme for even more blogging options for different days of the week. I know- like you don't have enough to do! :-)
My answer: In addition to Tuesday Thingers, I participate in Booking Through Thursday and the Sunday Salon. Three seems like a good number to me- not too many, but enough to get my blog out there and meet and interact with different groups of bloggers. There are so many though! And doing three leaves me enough other days of the week for reviews, gives me a couple of quick-hit entries per week and helps me keep my blog updated almost daily. I've been pretty faithful to all three memes since I started doing them, but I have skipped a week or two of one or the other if I've been particularly busy. Having hosted this meme, I understand how hard it is to come up with clever questions every week and I really admire those bloggers who make and keep that commitment!
Though Tuesday Thingers is my first love, I have strayed.
Great question, mine is posted at
Tuesday Thingers is still my favorite:)
Okay..it's too late for me to try HTML codes! Mine's at:
I think I'll go beddy-bye now....zzzzzzzzz
Mine is here and includes the best pic of my cat yet! Really, you have to see it to believe it...
Here is my link. If it doesn't work I hyperlinked my name to the page.
Darn! I had no idea there were so many memes out there. I don't do any right now, but I may just have to give Tuesday Thingers a try. Do I have to sign up? http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com/
I've posted mine: http://literatehousewife.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/tuesday-thingers-weekly-memes/
I love Tuesday Thingers and I absolutely appreciate the work you do to make this happen.
Thanks, Marie, for hosting the Thingers. Don't know how you keep doing it, but I'm really glad you do! My answer's right here.
Great question! You were my first, Marie :)
my answer is here
Here is mine.
I have the same three as you--post up here.
You're doing a pretty good job with the clever questions, though! Thanks again for hosting - here's my response. =)
Good question, and thanks again for the weekly topics. Mine's up in Readerville
Nice question!
Here's mine for this week: @ The Golden Road
I admit to having strayed off-topic a bit.
"Memes, memes, everywhere, there's memes" is the title of my post on this. Of course, I only hit on five with many, many more out there, including a new monthly one What's On Your Nightstand? that I just joined.
What an interesting post this week! My answer is here. Thanks again for taking the time to do this for us weekly. :) It’s really been lots of fun!
justareadingfool ~ Thank you for listing What's on you nightstand? I completely forgot about that one!
Going to go add it now. :)
here's my post!
My post is posted!
Here's my answer at my new blog home: http://printedpage.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/tuesday-thingers-meme-yes-i-do/
Actually made it this week...
WordPress version
LiveJournal version
Mine is up - hope its not too late for some of you to visit!
I decided to give it a shot - better late than never! http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/tuesday-thingers/
I don't think I got the whole URL in last time. http://bermudaonion.wordpress.com/2008/08/05/tuesday-thingers/
I think I finally got it!
Well, somehow I lose part of the URL between putting it on here and the comment posting. Can anyone tell me how to post it so that people can just click on the link?
so many and so little time
Better late than never. Here is mine.
Here's mine!
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we all really appreciate you coming up with these questions!
My answer is posted here
Well Lenore, I slept finally :-D I would have had it up early this morning, but there were several thunderstorms that passed through last night and this morning.
So here MEME is!
Here is mine! http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/2008/08/tuesday-thingers.html
Alright it took me awhile to get here today. I was too busy finishing "So Long at the Fair"
here it is
Whew... made it ...
Here is my answer. A bit late but here! :)
My answer is part of my Friday meme roundup. (I do a few of these things.)
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