I was looking through books yesterday at the shops and saw all the Twilight books, which I know basically nothing about. What I do know is that I’m beginning to feel like I’m the *only* person who knows nothing about them.
Despite being almost broke and trying to save money, I almost bought the expensive book (Australian book prices are often completely nutty) just because I felt the need to be ‘up’ on what everyone else was reading.
Have you ever felt pressured to read something because ‘everyone else’ was reading it? Have you ever given in and read the book(s) in question or do you resist? If you are a reviewer, etc, do you feel it’s your duty to keep up on current trends?
Yes, yes and yes! I've often felt pressured to follow the crowd, and since I'm a contrarian by nature that's a problem! I've never read the Twilight series, I've never even read Harry Potter- it's not my style, and when everybody tells me to do something I typically respond by not doing it! As a librarian I feel obligated to keep up with what's going on in my specialty and in publishing in general, and as a blogger I've often felt pressured to get lots of ARCs, do what everyone else is doing. But then I have to remind myself that whatever else happens, the blog is for me and I started it as a way to pursue my own interests and improve my writing. I didn't start it for other bloggers, nor for authors or publishers, and I'm not obligated to accept every single offer I get, or every single ARC I have access to. So I've been becoming a little more relaxed about all that. But sometimes it's hard!
We are similar in that we are both discerning individuals. Time is valuable and reading time is precious.
So many books, so little time ... and "life's too short to read bad books".
I've been blogging for less than 6 months and I've learned to be more discriminating in the books I accept; saving time and energy for the books I choose!
(and I have yet to read any of the *Twilight* books, but I think I'll get there someday!)
the blog is for me and I started it as a way to pursue my own interests and improve my writing. I didn't start it for other bloggers, nor for authors or publishers
Well said! I think I need to write that down and put the post-it on my monitor. There are a lot of things I feel like I *should* be doing (more ARCs, memes, etc.) on my blog, and I sometimes feel guilty for not doing them, even though I shouldn't. Thanks for the reaffirmation. :)
Well said! I feel the same way--that my blog is really for me to have a place to keep up with my reading and to share it with others, and as nice as it is to have access to ARCs and other perks, at the end of the day, my hit count doesn't really matter. I don't want blogging to start feeling like work, and if it does, I'll know I'm doing something wrong.
It's definitely hard - I haven't been doing this for too long, but it's a challenge not to say yes to every free book that comes my way. I'm trying, though. If I run out of ARCs, I still have a massive TBR pile of my own, after all.
I imagine being a librarian must leave you with unique pressures to follow the crowd in terms of reading...
I rarely feel pressure to read something unless I pressure myself. I only stumbled upon Twilight by accident when I picked up Eclipse in the bookstore and started reading the synopsis...and it sounded great. Then the borders sales person came up to me and said that this third book was even better than the other two! I had to buy the other two, who starts a series in the middle or the end? LOL
Very well-said, especially about your own interests. I started mine to write about literature that is a bit more eclectic and obscure. I am not a sucker of airport novel so even if they are very popular, one won't find my 2 cents on them.
I really liked your answer, one of the only times I am selfish in my life is when it involves my reading.
Amen, amen and amen. Thanks, Marie.
I share your views, Marie.
I have such a hard time saying no to books offered sometimes, but then all I have to do is look at my TBR stack... Hehehe.
Honestly, I'd rather read a blog that features 'rare treasures' than one that reviews what everyone else is reviewing...
Ditto what fyrefly said! I need that as a post-it on my desk as well.
Yes, yes and yes, for me too!
I haven't read the Twilight series, or the Harry Potter series. I usually go against the grain...lol.. like you do, and resist moving with the crowd. I don't read a book unless it appeals to me...regardless of what everyone else is reading. I think you can see that in the majority of the books that I blog about.
I feel the same way as you do about ARCs. I am particular. So be it. LOL.
It's my blog and I'll write and read as I want to (to the tune of "It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want to".
Since our Read Street blog is an offshoot of The Baltimore Sun's book coverage, we probably pay more attention to popular topics and books than other bloggers. I even read and reviewed Eat Pray Love this week (I think I was the first guy in America to do that), just to see what all the fuss was about.
I read Twilight mostly to see what the big kerfuffle was. My teen daughters friends all loved it. I guess I was too old because I thought it was ...meh.... too much teen aged angst and bosom heaving for me. When I started the ARc's I went a bit nuts and just said yes to anything. Nope, still haven't got through The Power Makers. (What was I thinking??) I'm getting much more discriminating, but I still have some stuff on my shelf that I think I'm reading more through obligation than desire.
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