I only have a few authors listed as favorites on LT- A.S. Byatt, David Sedaris, Margaret Atwood, Steve Sheinkin, Jen Lancaster and Leo Tolstoy. Six people share some combination of three of the six. I just picked my top favorites overall, not every author I could have chosen. I wanted to choose my favorite literary writers, a favorite comics artist, my favorite funny writers and my favorite "classic" writer. None of the people with whom I share favorites picked Steve Sheinkin, which sort of surprises me (he's awesome!) and sort of doesn't (he's a little obscure for non-comics-fans). I'm also the only person to pick him as a favorite. The picture above is that of Jen Lancaster, who wrote two books I really enjoyed, Bitter is the New Black and Bright Lights, Big Ass. And you?
Great topic this week. My favorite authors are here.
Mine is posted here. I like Tolstoy too, but he's not on my favorite list.
This should be interesting! My answer is here.
Great topic, I posted here
My answer is posted here. I haven't thought about this particular feature in ages!
I had to work on mine. It's posted here.
Good topic. I'm looking forward to seeing the responses. I'm up at The Book Lady's Blog.
What a great topic, my answer can be found here!
Great question, Marie.
I haven't used the favorite author feature yet, but now I'm thinking I need to.
I need to find the time to do more with my LT account.
be gentle...my first Tuesday Thinger is here
Mine's up here . And yes, there is another pic of my cat this week!
My answer is here.
It's fun to read everyone's favorites - great question!
My answer is here.
(at my new host, please check your shortcuts, "wordpress" is no longer in my domain name ... thanks everyone!)
Here's my post!
My post is here. I like this topic, favorite authors are always interesting.
This is my first "Thingers" post! Here it is.
I've posted my answers here. I've loved reading some of these responses...made me remember authors that I had forgotten about. Good stuff!
My answer is here. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
As always, great topic. Here is my answer sans picture. Sorry. I felt like being a smart ass.
I have mine posted here.
Early post for me today! This was a great question, especially the part about asking to see a picture!!! My answer is here!
Oops! I forgot to stop by and post my link. It's http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/2008/09/tuesday-thingers_23.html.
Mine is here.
I have a question about LT. Can you review a book that you don't have added to your shelves. For example if I had read a library book and reviewed it, and then wanted to include my review on LT, would that be possible? I was thinking that it wasn't, but thought I would ask in case you knew differently.
Alyce, your book needs to be in your LT catalog for you to review it. Does that help? If it's not in your LT catalog as far as I know you cannot add a review.
Here is mine for the week.
I was very late today but I finally got my post up. My answer is here.
Well, it's Thursday, but here's my post!
Tuesday Thinger on Friday, as usual :-).
And thank you so much for the award, Marie!
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