My answer: The only type of series I really read is manga series, which are serialized comic novels from Japan. So far I've started about a half dozen or so: Love Hina was my first, a prime example of shonen or teenage-boy manga. It's a great silly love story and I really enjoyed it. I've also been reading Nana and Happy Mania, manga series aimed at young women, and I've started a few others that I haven't wanted to continue with for one reason or another. Kare Kano was a teen-girl manga I started and gave up on, for example. I love trying new series and different genres of manga. I subscribe to Shojo Beat, a magazine specializing in shojo manga which is aimed at teen girls. Manga series can be upwards of 20 volumes long or more, so I read them in between other things or when I'm on the bus or just need something light. Manga can be serious too but I like them as a light indulgence. I've taken a look at the series feature on LT but when it started it looked like it had a lot of errors so I haven't used it much.
Yeah! I get to be first!
Wow! Are we going alphabetical? First Alabama, now Arizona! Yes folks, I'm a Serial Reader....
I love series too:
My post
It seems like a lot of the books I read these days have sequels.
Here's my post for today.
Here is my post.
someone really needs to tell me how to create a clickable link. =)
Marie, I've never heard of manga. Interesting!
HERE is my answer.
I didn't think I had a series-ous problem, but I do have the Harry Potter and Mitford books. Looking at CK, I found a bunch more series books.
I agree, Marie, and user-edited knowledge base tends to have errors!
My answer is here:
I learn so much from you, Marie! My post is here
I love series! My longer answer.
Here's mine...
Nice question! Here's my response: http://passagestothepast.blogspot.com/2008/10/tuesday-thingers.html
I'm with Kathy - how DO you make a clickable link in comments?
I'm up at The Book Lady's Blog. I'll be really interested to read about other people's favorite series.
Here is my poster for this week
Here is my post. I love series.
Here is where I learned how to make a link in comments.
How to make a link
Checking in right here. The Giant ER Series Conspiracy!
Not much of a series reader, but I do collect one particular type of work. Read my post here.
Fun question! Cant wait to expand my list from what others have on theirs!
I'm going to attempt to add a clickable link (my first attempt)...
Here's my post
Woooooo Hooooo!!! It worked!!! :o)
I'm all posted too!
Great question!!My post is here at Redlady's Reading Room.
I played! My post is HERE.
Have a great day!
My response is here. What a great question when it makes me look at my library a new way!
This is a great question...I couldn't resist making it my first Tuesday Thingers post!
I had no idea LT had this feature.
Here's mine.
I'm definitely a series reader. Here's my post.
Here is my answer, and Marie, all you read in series is manga? Really? I'm a serial book addict or fiend as I say in my post and thrive on series.
Another great question Marie! My answer is a resounding yes, here is my post. Now where the heck is the series feature on LT? I haven't been able to find it. Maybe I don't spend enough time on LT (my husband would totally disagree with that, he's always muttering about how he's an internet widow).
Whew! That was a quick response from you, Marie. I'm impressed. Yesterday, it also happened to me a few times. Thanks for feeding my ego: to think that someone is actually reading my blog. ;)
Here's my post.
This is a great question! My answer is up.
I didn't even know about the series feature on LT. Here's my answer to the rest of the question: Book Series
Clickable link tutorial for Amy and Kathy: start with the < symbol, like you do for any html. Then type a href=" and stick your link in there, followed by another "and the > symbol. Then type the words you want the reader to see (in my case it was book series), followed by /a inside the < and > symbols.
So, in the comments box my link looks like this: [a href="http://worducopia.blogspot.com/2008/10/book-series.html"]Book Series[/a], except the brackets are replaced by < and >
My favorite series is Agatha Christie. I have been collecting the re-releases of all her mysteries in hardbacks.
I love YA series! My post
Wow - I've never heard of manga series - I'll have to check them out. :)
Here is my first Tuesday Thingers post:
~ Wendi
Let me try the link again as it doesn't show on here:
Here's mine I think I did the link correctly!
Mine is up
I'm such a dork, yesterday I was thinking "I hope Marie asks about series this week!" and then you did! Great question, my answer is here!
I love to read series. Here's Mine
I'm not too much of a series reader, but my patrons are! My answer is here.
I'm a serial killer. Err, serial reader. Yeah.
I'm completely addicted to series reading, I've written about a few in my post here.
Here's mine, a day late.
Late again, but this time because I spent last night writing a guest blog post for a gay speculative fiction blog. 1300 words of guest post...
Anyway, my Tuesday Thingers can be found at WordPress and at LiveJournal.
Tuesday Thingers on Friday. I love how I learn all kinds of things about LT by doing this!
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