Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Finds

Just one find this week- Kathleen Norris's The Cloister Walk, a memoir and
meditation on the monastic life by a Protestant woman.

It's the December pick for my book club, The Daughters of Abraham, an interfaith group of Christian, Muslim and Jewish women. We alternate each month reading books about each religious tradition.

A couple of folks expressed interest in the club after I talked about the dinner the local groups here in Boston held this past Sunday; if you want to find out more, or want to know how to start your own chapter in your area, you can look here, at their website.


Anna said...

This sounds like an interesting book. Will you be posting your thoughts here?

Diary of an Eccentric

Kathleen said...

That does sound like an interesting book and book group idea! I have her other book Acedia and Me.

Beth F said...

I loved Cloister Walk. I read it fairly soon after it came out. It's a book for everyone -- Christian or not, religious or not.

Shana said...

I remember reading a write-up about this book and thinking it looked interesting. I have Acedia & Me too, but haven't read it yet.
