Today's question: Work multiples. Do you own multiple copies of any books? Which ones? Why? Can you share your list?
You can find the link under Statistics, from either your home page or profile.
My answer: Yes, I have a few multiples. Here's the list:
- Possession: A Romance by A.S. Byatt (Vintage (1991), Paperback, 576 pages)
Possession: A Romance by A.S. Byatt (Random House (1990), Edition: BOMC, Hardcover, 555 pages) - New Our Bodies, Ourselves: A Book by and for Women by Boston Boston womens health book collective (Touchstone (1996), Paperback, 752 pages)
Our Bodies Ourselves by Boston Women's Health Book Collective (simon and schuster (1973), Paperback) - A Coney Island of the Mind: Poems (New Directions Paperback No. 74) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (New Directions Publishing Corporation (1968), Paperback, 93 pages)
A Coney Island of the Mind: 50th Anniversary Edition (with CD) by Lawrence Ferlinghetti (New Directions (2008), Edition: 50 Har/Com, Hardcover, 96 pages) - The Lover by Marguerite Duras (Pantheon (1998), Paperback, 128 pages)
L'amant by Marguerite Duras (Editions de Minuit (1984), Broché, 143 pages) - Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire (Flammarion (1991), Poche, 18 pages)
Flowers of Evil; Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire (Peter Pauper Press; Mount Vernon, N.Y.) - The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry (Flap Jacket Press (2007), Paperback, 368 pages)
Lace Reader, The: A Novel by Brunonia Barry (William Morrow (2008), Hardcover, 400 pages)
You have more than I do!
My post is now up here .
I have a few. See here.
You have more than me, too. My post is up here.
Mine is up!
Your list isn't bad. I thought I had more than what I did. Here is my list:
Hmmm ... none, but I posted anyway. I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a public service announcement!
I think I have one more then you do.
here's mine http://juliebooks.blogspot.com/2008/11/tuesday-thingers.html
Marie, it's really cool that you have the self-published ARC of The Lace Reader. I love the story behind that book.
My answer is HERE.
I only have one! My post is here
You have quite a few, Marie! You've reminded me that I have a couple of duplicates I don't list because they're books I'm in the process of giving away--or intend to giveaway. I didn't log them into LT as a result.
My response is up!
Here's my post.
After cleaning up my bookshelves this weekend, and eliminating dull duplicates (not interesting multiples), I have no multiples.
But I have come to terms with my TBR pile:
I have a number..including some that I know I have and did not show up...makes me worry about the completeness of my LT entries..
but nevertheless, here is my post.
I don't have many duplicates at all, but here you go.
I have a few books in duplicate -- though not necessarily on purpose!
My post is up!
I didn't think to enter multiple copies!!
Here's my Thinger!
:) Wendi
I haven't done this in awhile, but I have an answer for this one and I posted it here
I have more than I thought.
Here is mine.
Happy Tuesday!
I have quite a few as well. Here's my list:
Took me longer than I thought to get my post ready. When you read it you'll know why.
This one took a bit of work, but it was fun work. My post is here.
OK, I just figured out how to put the link in; and since that makes it nicer, here it is again.
Interesting question. No multiples here!
I have accidental multiples which, when I find them, I will winnow.
The only book I deliberately have two copies is The Magus as he changed the ending and I read them side by side at one point. That is a difficult thing to do.
Mine is finally up.
I like Possession, but am reading the author's first novel, The Shadow of the Sun, and it's really bad. Surprisingly bad. I guess it's reassuring that it's possible to go from writing one of the worst novels to writing one of the best.
The only issue I had with Possession was how uncreative she was with stereotypes. Her characters never deviate from typical British stereotypes. The Americans are either evil or fat. The Irish are bad in bad. The French are the eccentric noble savages. The Englsih are cool and intelligent.
It's quite funny how the stereotypes were flipped to the American version for the movie. In the movie, the main charachter is changed to American, because let's face it, there's nothing less sexy than two Brits courting. And he is no longer cool and intelligent, but brash and his brashness becomes one of the underlying themes of the movie: sometimes you have to be brash to get the job done. The guy who's bad in bed is English. The French don't figure much because we can't understand them. The evil guy is now English. The kindly old grandfather is changed to Irish.
But other than the stereotype issue, I really did think it was well done.
Tuesday Thingers on Friday!
I only had two. One reason I started keeping my books on LT was to try to avoid multiples!
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