I'm also backed up on reviewing although I read several books last year (and one so far this year) that I will most likely not review on the blog, either because I didn't like them enough to bother or because I think the books would not be of interest to you, my valued readers. I mean, really- it was hard enough on me reading Money and the Way of Wisdom (which I read for a professional review assignment, not really for fun)- why should I torture you?
One book I'm hedging over reviewing, and not because I disliked it but because I think I dislike the author. I had a negative experience with this person online, and after talking about the book on my blog, buying it for my library, selling it at the library booksale, and convincing my book club to read it, part of me feels like I've done enough. And part of me feels like I'm being petty and I should rise above my personal feelings and do the review for professional reasons. And then the other part says again, "But you've already promoted it..." etc. And on and on. The book was good, and some people will enjoy it, but it wasn't awesome. What do you think?
As far as today, my husband and I will spend the afternoon putting Christmas decorations away, and if I'm lucky I may get in a little reading. 2666, Holding My Breath and The School of Essential Ingredients are on my agenda for today. What's on yours?
Sounds like you have done quite a bit to promote that author's work, it's your conscience that will have to let you off the hook for doing the review. Sorry you had a negative experience with an author. It just shouldn't happen to people who are promoting books without compensation. I had another good week for reading, some reviews are on my SS. I hope to start what Happened to Anna K. today.
How sad that you had such a negative experience with an author whose work you like and have promoted elsewhere. I don't blame you for not wanting to do more for them.
I share your TBR problem...a common one for book addicts I suppose. Is it wrong that I have fantasies about my city being suddenly taken over by benign "bad people" who make us all stay home for a month while they rob all the banks in town?
I'm over half way done with The School of Essential Ingredients and it is so good.
I agree with other sounds like you've done enough with promoting the book in other outlets...why give an author further credit here when they don't treat their readers very well. Authors wouldn't be anything without people to read their books...so while they might not always agree with what a person writes they should have a thicker skin and use tact and understanding when commenting about what they don't agree with.
Today I hope to finish one of the 3 books I am immersed...which book it will be I am not sure yet. But if I can finish one I'll be happy.
I am in the midst of reading Peony, by Pearl S. Buck...and so far it is fascinating!
I empathize with you not wanting to do more for that author, especially if you had a negative experience. If it were me, I would let it go, as would feel as if I had done enough.
I can't help myself, but my curiosity to know what book you are talking about is driving me mad. Mad I tell ya! ;-)
I am way behind on writing reviews...and the further behind I get, the less likely I am to write them. And behind on my reading too...need to shut computer off...
As the blog is more personal why review something you don't want to? That is my policy. I am reading Paul Krugman's Return of Depression Era Economics and it is so easy to read and fascinating I can't wait to review it. That is usually my criteria. There are tons of books I don't review and as I hate to do bad reviews I just don't do those books I hate.
I definitely agree with the other commenters - you've done enough! It's a shame that the author treated you badly after you worked hard to promote his/her work. I hope your current reads make up for it!
- Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
Hi Marie..
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with the author you talk about. You have done enough. It is your option to do as much promoting as you want. It is your blog. You are doing this with no compensation and the time spent is so much more time consuming than people realize. It is a labor of love. My feeling is, if you are not loving it for some reason....move on. IMHO
My TBR pile is piling over again also. I pretty much do what you do. Obligations, work related and than my own reading. Like you my own reading is somewhere in those two categories.
Smile and remember..."you can please some of the people some of the time....but you can't please all of the people all of the time."
Hi Msrie, I am sorry that you are having such a problem with the author. I agree with the others. This is your personal blog. You are not getting paid, like all of us it is a hobby, and a passion for the written word. You don't owe the author anything. Big deal he gave you a book that doesn't give him/her the right to act that way. If a author is rude I would not promote him, but you did promote him to others. So you went over and beyond what is expected..
Can't wait to see your review, Holding My Breath I have it on my pile.
Have a good night and DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF. Don't let this author dictate you.
Sorry you had a negatvie experience with the author. You have done alot in promoting that book. So I wouldnt worry about doing the review. Now, i'm wondering who that author is!
Enjoy your week :)
Marie I know you have recieved this award but I had to give you one too.
I'm curious - will you share the negative author experience with your book group when you meet to discuss the book? Or do you not want to taint their impressions? Or will you wait until after discussing the book, then drop the story about the author?
I will probably mention it, but probably late into the discussion if at all. I talked about it already with one of my friends in the club and she may bring it up for me. I don't really want to turn the conversation into anything nasty, and her behavior really doesn't have anything to do with the book, but we'll see. :-)
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