Last night I went to see "Slumdog Millionaire," about a poor Indian boy who goes on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" and wins, and it struck me that this movie would be an interesting companion piece to The White Tiger. But with a happier ending!
Yesterday I got two books in the mail, Anne of Green Gables via Bookmooch, and How to be Single, a Simon & Schuster UK giveaway (thanks!), so I started reading them a little bit. I never read Anne as a kid but seeing as it's about a redhead I think I need to! How to be Single looks like cute chicklit- a nice change of pace. I'm still working my way through 2666 (see yesterday's post for the latest) but after I finish each section I'm taking a break to read another book, so I don't spend a month just reading one thing. So now that I've finished Part Two I'm going to read Notes on Democracy, which I got for review from online publicist Lisa Roe.
I was reading yesterday and realized I had seven books going- the three mentioned above, plus The Story of French, The Russian Debutante's Handbook, and the graphic novel version of The Master and Margarita!
So many books, so little time!
That is a lot to have on the go at once. I think you'll like Anne, pretty well everyone does. And there are several books about her if you really enjoy it. Have a nice Sunday.
I missed Anne as a kid too. I read it for the first time last summer and I completely fell in love :) I want to read the whole series now. She's such a great character.
I really hope your cat gets well soon!
I'm reading two books right now, which is a rarity for me. I don't know how you can keep up with 7!
We loved Slumdog Millionaire, but when my husband saw me crying at the end, he decided it had to have been a "chick flick." Of course, we both cried over the inauguration so I guess that was a "chick" moment too! :--)
I would like to send you information about our new book. How can I get it to you?
I didn't read Anne until a few years ago....Why did I wait so long? Marvelous book.
Should be an interesting contrast...2666 and Anne of Green Gables!
the graphic novel version of Master and Margarita, it sounds good, I suppose, the portrayal of Woland could be quite interesting in such a version :)
I have 21 non-fiction books actively going and about thirty or forty on my shelves with bookmarks in them. I only have one novel going. That would be Death with Interruptions. I still haven't gotten back to that.
Ooh I want to hear all about the graphic novel version of the Master and Margarita. Or maybe I should just buy it. Hmm...
Naomi, email me at bibliophile at bostonbibliophile dot com. Can't wait to see what it is! Thank you!
I never have that many books going on at once. I am reading 3 now, but that is very unusual.
Marie, you have cats so I think you would enjoy reading about Dewey but because you have cats you will probably find it sad as I did. it is quite a fast read.
So many goodies! Can't wait to hear about that graphic novel version of The Master and Margarita. That's the ticket since I can't seem to get through the traditional version!
So many good books!
I just finished the Anna K. book. I give it high marks. Despite knowing how it ends (for those familiar with the Tolstoy version) it was still suspenseful in some ways. The best part, I think, was the cultural observations. The author herself is a Russian immigrant and she really gets underneath the skin of what its like to be perceived as different.
I can't read too many books at time I wish I could do that. When I did that it seemed I did not enjoy the story as much. I hope your cat feels better soon.
I saw Slumdog Millionaire last night too. Like the movie, is that destiny. I really enjoyed the movie too. It was so different from anything I saw before. Just loved it.
I can't read too many books at time I wish I could do that. When I did that it seemed I did not enjoy the story as much. I hope your cat feels better soon.
I saw Slumdog Millionaire last night too. Like the movie, is that destiny. I really enjoyed the movie too. It was so different from anything I saw before. Just loved it.
Marie, I hope this week is better for you. I only watched the movie version of Anne of Green Gables as a kid. But I loved it and watched it over and over.
I really want to see Slumdog Millionaire.
Marie, I hope the cat is doing better now.
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