Today's Booking Through Thursday is about collecting books.
- Hardcover? Or paperback?
- Illustrations? Or just text?
- First editions? Or you don’t care?
- Signed by the author? Or not?
I don't really collect books per se, though I have a nice first edition hardcover of my favorite book (
Possession, by A.S. Byatt), and my paperback is tattered and worn but it is also signed. When I was in college my friend and I used to go to a lot of readings and collected signed books for a while. I still get a charge out of getting a book I really loved signed, but I don't go out of my way to collect first editions or anything else.
I would love to get some books signed, never thought about it until recently.
I like having books signed by the authors too, it makes it special.
Because I am friends with so many authors I have a tendency to get many of my books signed. It feels odd to read a book written by a friend, and to not have the book signed. Some times it's a wonderful connection between me and the author.
I don't collect books, but I keep the books that I enjoy, and get rid of the rest.
I have several signed books, all from attending author events, but no first editions!
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