Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about book reviews…
Do you read any non-blogging book reviews? If so, where (newspaper, library etc)? Do you have any favourites sources you’d like to share?
I read a lot of non-blogger book reviews. For work I use professional library journals to pick things out for work, and usually I end up finding a few things for myself as well. When it comes to my personal reading, I read reviews in magazines and newspapers- the New Yorker has great reviews, and The Economist runs good features now and then, such as one they did a year or so ago about international crime fiction, which helped me pick out some great gifts for a thriller-fan in my family. I'm not one to discount so-called "traditional media' and I relish the Books section in the Boston Sunday Globe and the Boston Phoenix. And of course The New York Review of Books is the best of the best for smart book-talk.
Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page.
Wow, you have a lot of resources. I guess I could probably find a lot more resources if I looked.
I only read The New Yorker for the cartoons.
Caite- try one of the articles some time- you might enjoy it :-)
Guardian and NYRB have in-depth reviews. Otherwise, I only glace skim through the other papers. I also trust the staff reviews at indies.
Economist does run great review series.
Wow, thanks for sharing those resources, more oulets for me to look at :)
Yeah, I'll pretty much read any book reviews I come across. It just so happens that online reviews are the easiest to come by. I don't discount printed reviews I just have less time to seek them out and read them. :)
I mainly use sites like LT, Shelfari and Amazon. I do read Romantic Times, though :)
I like to read reviews in School Library Journal or on Titlewave when I buy books for school. It is also good for brief reviews for my own use. I read Kirkus & PW.
I also like the super-short book reviews in People and Entertainment Weekly and even read the two or three line "reviews" in my mom's womens magazines!
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