Monday, March 30, 2009

Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about recording your reading…

Do you keep track of what and/or how many books you read? How long have you been doing this? What's your favorite tracking method, and why?If you don't keep track, why not? (question courtesy of MizB)

I use LibraryThing to keep track of what I'm reading. I enter my books as soon as I get them home, and then rate them as soon as I'm done. I've had my LT account since May, 2007 and I really enjoy it. My username on LT is BostonBibliophile if you want to friend me there.

Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page.


Nina said...

I wish I were quite as organised as you are. I started recording what I actually read in 2000 or so, and write it in a little notebook. I do have accounts on GoodReads, Shelfari and Facebook, but am not as regular at entering my reading there.

BTW, I do enjoy your blogs... :-)

Jenners said...

I admire your restraint. I don't know why I do it in Library Thing and in my own spreadsheet but I do!

Anonymous said...

I'm on LT, too (Mizbooks). I use it to keep track of the books I own, but am not really good at keeping track of my finished books there... I do, occasionally, update that, but more often than not, I just use my book journal(s) to keep track of my books read. ;)

bermudaonion said...

I use LT and a reading list on my blog.

Candy Schultz said...

It is impossible for me to keep track of my reading. It goes in so many directions at once.

LorMil said...

I keep track on a spread sheet on my computer.

I also keep track in my blog.

Vasilly said...

I usually keep track of my books in the back of my journal. I've been noticing though that I'm better at keeping track on my blog.

The Bookworm said...

I use librarything too and I use my blog :)

caite said...

Another vote for LT! I am not as good about rating things there or posting reviews there but I tend to catch up a bunch at a time.
At least I know what books are in the house now!

Nise' said...

I need to be more diligent to keep my LT updated!