Monday, April 6, 2009

Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your to be read list…

As a follow up to last week's question, Joseph asked how you keep track of your tbr list. Do you have a paper list or on your computer? Do you take it with you when you go shopping? How do you decide what gets added to it?

Well, I can tell what I haven't read by what I haven't rated on my LibraryThing, but when it comes to my immediate TBR priorities- things that I have to review, or recent or upcoming releases I'm trying to stay current on- I do a couple of things. First of all, if I have agreed to review a book, I tag it "have to read" on LibraryThing and I check that tag periodically, even though I'm pretty good at remembering what I'm supposed to do. I tag my ARCs by month (09Jan, 09Feb, etc.) to help me keep track of what's current. For "me" books that I just want to read for myself, I use the tag "want to read" and check that when I have the opportunity to read one of those. Oftentimes the three categories overlap and I try to make as much time as possible for the "me" books!

Musing Mondays is hosted by Rebecca at Just One More Page.


Yvonne said...

Sounds like you are pretty organized using LT. I haven't been that organized with LT and still haven't even added all my books to it. I've been keeping organized with Excel for my TBR and a notebook for those I want to buy.

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

I like the idea of tagging ARC release dates in LT. I used a spreadsheet, but it does seem like I'm creating more work for myself that way!

My spreadsheet also tracks publisher, which I could tag in LT. Maybe it's a control thing with me ... I'll always have Excel, but what if LT disappears?!?

She is Too Fond of Books

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Thanks to some great feed back from other bloggers like yourself, I am much more organized with my "review" books. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I have been so behind on my online catalogue. My TB acquired list is a mangled piece of scrap paper that I carry in the bag.

The Bookworm said...

I tag the same way on goodreads.
Its a good way to remember what I really wanted to read.

Candy Schultz said...

You are so organized. I just have piles all over the house. So when I say my TBR piles are precarious I really mean it.

Nise' said...

I have got to utilize all the LT features!