So what's new this week in the book pile?
The Dork of Cork, by Chet Raymo, came from Bookmooch. Someone recommended it to me- and I really need to start keeping track of where I get these recommendations!
Gossip of the Starlings was a surprise from Algonquin. Looks interesting- a prep school novel by Nina de Gramont. It's received some good reviews on LibraryThing, so we'll see.
Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain's well-known memoir, also came via Bookmooch. This is definitely a sooner-rather-than-later read.
I picked up Lost in Austen at the Harvard Coop over the weekend; Emma Campbell Webster's book is not really a novel, but a choose-your-own adventure role-playing game based on the works of Jane Austen. It is not chick lit, and it is not coming to a theater near you any time soon, but it is terrificly nerdy and fun. More soon.
Finally, the folks at Bloomsbury were kind enough to send me Valeria's Last Stand, Mark Fitten's comic novel about post-Communist Hungary, which I am dying to read. As soon as I'm done with one of my current reads, it's what's up next.
What's up next for you?
To read more Friday Finds, go to ShouldBeReading.wordpress.com.
Well when I manage to finish the Byatt I plan to read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. Altho there were a couple of books on that pile I might have to get to. Oh and Alice Munro. What a problem to have.
Interesting finds!! Happy reading and have a great weekend :)
I enjoyed Gossip of Starlings. I read to earlier this year. You have a great assortment this week.
I read Lost in Austen, and after getting killed at like page 3 I did it again and made it again...well if we don't count the whole massacre
Lost in Austen sounds like quirky fun! I might have to buy that for a friend whose a huge Austen fan. (Maybe I'll wait to read your review first!)
HI MARIE! :) I've got Valeria's to read also, though it won't be next. So I shall await your review.
Have a great weekend, and I thank you for stopping by my blog!
Lost in Austen sounds like something I would really enjoy. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!
Gossip of Starlings looks very interesting as well.
I can't wait to see what you think of Valeria's Last Stand. I'd love to read that one as well.
I loved Kitchen Confidential, and I thought it was a really fun and snarky book. I hope you enjoy it as well.
You always have the most interesting finds. I'll have to look these up. Happy reading!
Diary of an Eccentric
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