Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Finds

My week in books has been modest but meaningful. I'm happy about two things apart from acquiring books. First, I found a terrific little used bookstore, Lorem Ipsum, in a quiet Cambridge neighborhood where I frequently eat but don't usually shop. It's small and idiosyncratic, with a you-never-know-what-you'll-find selection, and a laid-back, friendly staff. In other words, it's perfect, and I look forward to lots of browsing and buying. The second thing I'm happy about is that I took some time to clean up my den and pull out a bunch of books to sell, which will mean that I'll have some additional funds to buy.

I got three new books this week.
  • Women and Judaism, an academic book of essays edited by Rabbi Malka Drucker. I received it via the Catholic Library Association, for a professional review assignment,
  • If I Told You Once, a novel by the great Judy Budnitz. I've been a fan of her short fiction for years and can't wait to read this book. Her stories have appeared in The Best American Non-Required Reading, This Is Not Chick Lit and elsewhere, and
  • The Hummingbird's Daughter, by Luis Alberto Urrea. My book budget will not allow me to purchase his new hardcover book, Into the Beautiful North, so I'm going to settle for a paperback of an earlier title for now. It looks wonderful.


gautami tripathy said...

These two are real good finds. I love the covers!

Come find Colin Cotterill

Zibilee said...

I tried to read The Hummingbird's Daughter, but I think it was a case of it being the wrong book at the wrong time. I hope one day to get back to it, and I will be interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

I love finding those little used books stores. They are the best. I have one that's not too far of a walk and I am always pleasantly surprised by the gems I walk away with.

Nick Belardes said...

I like Urrea. He influenced me greatly when I was going through a period of understanding my self identity as a dual ethnic Latino.

avisannschild said...

If I Told You Once sounds fascinating. I'm not familiar with this author.

Marie said...

yay for finding used book stores!

Tasha said...

I'll have to remember Lorem Ipsum for the next time I make it to Boston. I don't live that far away, and yet it's quite an affair to make that drive.

bermudaonion said...

I'll be having a giveaway of Into the Beautiful North soon - probably this weekend.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I have the exact edition of Hummingbird's Daughter (still unread):( Bet you get to read it before me.

Brandy said...

Hooray, you found Lorem Ipsum! Isn't it just such a cozy little shop? That one was a great find for us when we stumbled upon it, en route to the Taza chocolate factory... man, that was a great day. :)

Darlene said...

Great finds. I'd like to read The Hummingbird's Daughter and Into the North. I wish we had more little used bookstores where I live but sadly we don't.

Becca said...

I wish I had little indie and used book stores where I live now, but sadly we're probably lucky we have a B&N. I so miss my used book stores in Charlotte. They are reason enough to drive down there!

I won Into the Beautiful North as part of a giveaway. It hasn't arrived yet. I look forward to reading it. After I do, if you still have not had the chance to read it, I will send it to you if you remind me.

Anna said...

The Hummingbird's Daughter sounds good. I was lucky to snag an audio copy of Into the Beautiful North at BEA. I hope to get a chance to listen to it on my upcoming vacations. Enjoy your new books!

Diary of an Eccentric