Saturday, August 22, 2009

BBAW Nominations!

I am so thrilled and honored that I've been nominated for SEVEN Book Blogger Appreciation Week awards:
  • Best Graphic Novel Review Blog,
  • Best General Review Blog,
  • Most Eclectic Taste Blog,
  • Best Literary Fiction Blog,
  • Cultural Review Blog,
  • Best Reviews,
  • Best Writing, and, just this morning found out I was nominated for an eighth, for
  • Most Altruistic Blog.
Thank you so, so much to everyone who nominated me for an award. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and how good it feels to know that there are folks out there who enjoy my blog enough to remember it for BBAW, and to put me in the company of all of the other amazing blogs and bloggers out there.

A big thanks also to My Friend Amy, and all the committee members who are working so hard to put together a great event for all of us.
Book bloggers are the best!


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

Good Luck and congratulations on all of your well-deserved award noms!

Ana S. said...

Congratulations, Marie!

bermudaonion said...

Congratulations on all your nominations!

Paperback Reader said...

Congratulations and good luck! That's a versatile group of nominations.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

Congratulations! These are wonderful nominations and you are very deserving!

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Go Marie!!!!

Blodeuedd said...

Yay congrats :D
That is sure a lot of nominations

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on your well deserved nominations!!

Tasha said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, that's a lot1 Fun! I cant wait to participate next year. I'm watching from the sidelines this year as I haven't really bee in operation very long. It's awesome to see so many of the blogs I read up for awesome nominations!

Marie Cloutier said...

Everyone- thank you!! :-)
IWriteInbooks- I hope you do participate next year. I sat it out last year and now I'm having a lot of fun with it and I know you will too! :-)

Serena said...

Congrats on those great nominations! Here's to the Short list.

Zibilee said...

Congrats on all the nominations!