This Sunday finds me on sunny Nantucket, off the coast of Cape Cod, relaxing with my husband's family.
It's a perfect day- beautiful and sunny, with just a hint of a breeze, and just perfectly warm without being muggy.
This morning we got up early to go to a big antique sale but we read the date wrong in the paper and it's actually next Sunday, so we were a little disappointed.
It's okay though, because we went to some great yard sales yesterday (Nantucket yard sales are a tradition!) and because we get up with the sun anyway when we're here so it's not like anyone
The plan for today is more of what we did yesterday- sleep, read and eat. Actually yesterday folks went to the beach and I stayed home to rest, because I'm still on antibiotics and need to stay out of the sun. I managed to get a slight burn anyway when I walked out for lunch. I ended up going to a different beach just for a few minutes, to snap some pictures. Then it was back home for an ambitious regimen of reading and napping.
I'm hoping to get into town today for some shopping.
You can find out what other folks are doing this Sunday here.
The photos are lovely! Enjoy your day.
Lucky you - even if you are staying out of the sun. Photos are lovely. Thanks for the virtual trip. Happy reading (and shopping)!
The pics are just gorgeous - enjoy your vacation! Don't overdo it with the reading/eating/sleeping (can you get "reader's elbow?")
How strange...I'm in Cape Cod today, too....Well, I'm actually READING about Cape Cod, but that counts, doesn't it?
Thank you for the pictures.
That sounds like the perfect vacation. Relax and take care of yourself!
Beautiful pictures! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!
What lovely photos. Nantucket is one of my favorite places. It does look like picture perfect weather. Have a great week Marie.
It looks like such a beautiful day in Nantucket! Sounds very blissful...
I love Nantucket, even though I've only been there once and that was 18 years ago. Great photos!
I couldn't help but wonder if you took Sandpiper Airlines over. I think I'll always associate that show "Wings" with Nantucket! Those sound like wonderful bookstores though!
Beautiful pictures! I'm so jealous. I so wish I was there. Hope you have a wonderful time and get lots of rest so you feel better.
What a lovely photo essay. Thanks for sharing your beautiful day with us!
These photos bring back a lot of memories for me. Wow, gorgeous. I'll have to make a concerted effort next time I'm up to visit the cape again.
These photos are just gorgeous and makes me want to go to Nantucket! I've never been there, only to Cape Cod. I love New England!! I hope that you had a wonderful time.
What a wonderful way to spend a summer! I'm sure you'll have many happy memories.
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