Where are you reading from today? I am reading in Cambridge, MA
3 facts about me? I'm a semi-employed librarian; I have a Siberian cat; I love marshmallows.
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? I have 14 graphic novels for the next 11 and 1/2 hours. Some of them are smaller zine-type books.
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? My goal is just to make good progress through the pile. I'll be happy if I get through about 10 or so; any more than that is a bonus.
*smooch* :-)
Good luck and have fun!!
Wow! You're doing great!
Yay, have a great day! Sounds like you have a good plan.
one down, a few more to go...
Ooo.. what does a Siberian cat look like?? Picture post!!!
Cheering you on! Have fun today.
and what a perfect day to stay in and read - cold and wet! I bet you're having a nice time with the cat, the couch, a book, and a blanket (slanket).
Enjoy, Marie!
I love that you're doing your own read-a-thon! Graphic novels are such a good choice for today.
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