Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays

I've got a busy day ahead and I'm not sure there's going to be time for a review today so I'll do a teaser instead.
All he has to do is to make a strangling motion, quickly, while the cardinal has his eyes shut. Cavendish, putting a hand to his throat, takes the point. And then they look at each other, sheepish. One of them has said too much; one of them has felt too much. it is not easy to know where the balance rests. his eyes scan te banks of the Thames. Still, the cardinal weeps and grips his hand.
Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel, p. 46.

To see more teasers, visit Miz B at Should Be Reading.


JoAnn said...

Looking forward to your review. I'm next up on the library hold list!

Marce said...

You sucked me in with that Teaser.

Here is mine. http://teawithmarce.blogspot.com/2009/11/teaser-tuesday.html

BurtonReview said...

I would love to add this read to my pile someday!
Mine is up at The Burton Review

gautami tripathy said...

I think everyone other tham myself has read this book!

Teaser Tuesdays: Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg

Anonymous said...

I ordered this book and it's en route to me.

Amy said...

This one is in my library queue. I can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

It looks good...I saw it in the book store earlier, but didn't buy it.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Can't wait to read your review on this book! enjoy

Zibilee said...

I just bought this book, and am so, so excited to get a chance to read it. I am also looking forward to your review. Great teaser!

Zibilee said...

I just bought this book, and am so, so excited to get a chance to read it. I am also looking forward to your review. Great teaser!

the heart is a lonely reader said...

Can't wait to read this one. With a favorable review from you, I will move this one to the top of my pile.

ImageNations said...

drink deep or taste not the pierian wine...thanks for the teaser

Marg said...

This is sitting on the hold shelf at the library waiting for me to pick it up! I am very much looking forward to reading it!

Bryan R. Terry said...

I'm like 1,000,000,000th in line for this at the library. Cannot wait.

My Teaser is HERE

Anonymous said...

what an awesome teaser. I want to read this book so bad! heard some great stuff about it.

Anonymous said...

This has been on my wish list from the first ime I saw it. Great teaser!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

whoa - great tease!