Thursday, December 3, 2009

Booking Through Thursday

But enough about you, what about ME?

Today’s question?

What’s your favorite part of Booking Through Thursday? Why do you participate (or not)?

I participate because it's fun way to build community and meet other bloggers, and because I like having a random question to answer each week that gets me to think about some aspect of books and reading. I've been making an effort lately to do more opinion pieces on the blog and Booking Through Thursday helps inspire me! And it's nice to have a pre-made topic once a week- kind of like a little break! What about you? Why do you participate (or not) in weekly memes like BTT?

More Booking Through Thursday here.


Anonymous said...

I feel the same way you do. I think BTT is fun :>)

Alayne said...

Good answer. It's hard to come up with opinion ideas all the time. Here's my answer.

Anonymous said...

It is a nice break once a week! I also enjoy finding new blogs when new people post. I think it does add to that sense of community.

gautami tripathy said...

I like your answer.

Booking through Thursdays

Care said...

I don't know why I don't participate but I do enjoy reading everyone's BTT posts. :)

Anonymous said...

I participated in BTT because of its thought-provoking questions. The longer I have been doing it, I more I am grateful for its community building effort. It rules!

Bitsy said...

I agree, it is an easy out, in that it gives you a pre-made topic, not always so easy once you get to the point of answering the question! That's what I really love, the sometimes tough and controversial questions that get asked. I think those launch the best discussions.