That's the stash- just a few things but choice, you know? I'm very happy with my finds and looking forward to reading everything!
I love going to their warehouse sales- so much good stuff so cheap. And great service- they had tons of canvas bags to carry your finds and even the owner himself was out on the floor and helped me. We bought more than what I'm showing in the picture- those are just my books. My husband got some great things and we found some gifts as well.
Last night we attended a dessert reception and tour at the newly-renovated Cambridge Public Library; it was amazing! I've been to the library several times since it reopened last month, but there were still huge parts I hadn't seen at all, like the teen room and the children's room- and they were incredible. I also got to see some of the behind the scenes staff areas and hear a lot about the construction process. Fascinating! And the chocolate pie was pretty good, too. They even gave us tote bags with chocolate-covered fortune cookies as party favors. The fortune?
"There is a book in your future." Truer words were never spoken!
But today the weather is lousy and with not-much on the agenda, I'm looking forward to a quiet day at home. Of course I say that every Sunday and then it never turns out that way, so we'll see! I'm ten pages shy of finishing Wolf Hall; afterwards, I'm on to Mathilda Savitch, I think.
What books are in your future today?
Some nice books you got over there. I love book sales , its always fun digging out stuff and the joy when we you find a rare gem amongst all of the stash :)
Enjoy your books
I see "The Princess Bride" there. I approve.
And that sale sounds quite awesome. I hope you enjoy the books.
Marie--I'm dying to hear what you thought of Wolf Hall. The recording I heard of Mantel reading an excerpt sounded good, but it's so many pages I'm leery of committing to it.
That photo couldn't be more perfect! Enjoy your new reads!
Harvard book store's warehouse sale? I would go nuts in a place like that. I'm totally jealous :) Looking forward to your reviews of Wolf Hall and Mathilda Savitch.
Have a great reading week!
Here is my Sunday Salon post!
You have an amazingly cozy set up there. I'm jealous!
I'm about to start The Unit for book club next weekend but it won't happen until after my trip to Ikea in a little bit. I'm hopeful to get in and out quickly, haha.
I think you all are getting the hideous weather we had yesterday. Stay warm and enjoy your relaxing Sunday reading. :)
The book sale sounds wonderful and that picture looks so cozy! I want to come sit by the fire with you.
I agree - very cozy picture! Looks perfect for a day of lousy weather on the outside. And I'm so envious of your activities - the Harvard book sale and the Cambridge Public Library reception - it really makes one want to move to the Boston area!
Doesn't that look cozy...
Today, I am starting to get in the Christmas swing.
I went to the tree farm where I tagged my tree some time ago and, tree tied to the roof of my car, made my way home this morning after church.
Tried to sneak in writing a couple of long undone reviews and now I am off to an Irish Christmas concert with my Bro and SIL.
I love Christmas music...almost as much as books! ;-)
I love the warehouse sales. You got a nice stack. I notice The Princess Bride. Now there's one I want to read but haven't gotten around to it yet. My son read it for school last year and enjoyed it. Hope you will get to enjoy a lazy Sunday after all.
Two wonderful bookish places. Wish I was there. The Welsh Girl is on my list and The Princess Bride is my favorite movie, but never read the book. I have it sitting on my nightstand though. Enjoy your purchases and the rest of your weekend :)
When I was in college (I didn't go to Harvard but I went to a college that dropped us off conveniently right there in the square), I used to love to go to the Harvard Book Store. They were a top notch independent book store and their used book/reduced book section was one of the best that I had ever been in (second only to Powell's in Portland).
I LOVED the Princess Bride - again read it while in college, just on winter break.
Great choices. Enjoy.
I love book sales like that, and love the picture of the books in front of the fireplace. So cozy looking. Enjoy all of your finds!
I totally went to Wellesley. :) Class of 01. I love meeting other Wellesley women!!!!
Lovely photo. I like your candy cane mug!
That's a nice stack of books in the photo. I read The Welsh Girl.
I'm glad you found some treasures for yourself.
I'm glad you found some treasures for yourself...nice looking stack, there.
Ohh I love The Princess Bride...book and movie! Thanks for the comment on my blog, I did indeed receive the graphic novel package! Thanks so much again, I am one of those people that never win anything so to win such a great giveaway was a nice surprise! Looking forward to reading them!
Choice indeed! That is a great haul. And a great photo set-up. And the library visit too? I want your weekend. But envy is ugly so I will just be happy for you. Happy reading!
Sounds like you had fun-I love book sales.
I love big sales like that! And they're all the better when you don't actually have to pay for the books. :)
Oh, I love book sales and I love it when you find just what you were looking for and didn't even know it! I am glad you had such a great time shopping and that you had such a wonderful evening at the new library. Your fire looks cozy as well and I am sure you won't mind snuggling up close to it and pouring through all those great new books!
Sounds like such a fun day. The library must be awesome. Cute fortune and very telling. LOL
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