Some favorites:
Alice I Have Been, by Melanie Benjamin. I tried and failed to get a review copy from her publicist so I just bought it from the booth.
The Swimming Pool by Holly LeCraw looks like juicy fun.
Beatrice and Virgil, by Booker Prize winner Yann Martel. A no-brainer for me.
Likewise Parrot and Olivier in America by the brilliant Peter Carey, a two-time Booker winner.
The Man from Beijing, by Henning Mankell. Twisty, page-turning Scandinavian crime fun.
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson, about an unlikely friendship.
Mrs. Darcy and the Blue-Eyed Stranger, by Lee Smith. Short stories that have nothing to do with Jane Austen.
Beautiful Maria of My Soul, by Oscar Hijuelos. A followup to his masterful The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love.
And more!
But it's not all about me. I came back with some goodies for you, too.
First and foremost, I picked up an extra galley of Justin Cronin's next-hot-thing, The Passage, a post-apocalyptic thriller coming out in June from Random House. I don't know if you've heard about this book, but let me tell you- it's a showstopper. I'm 200 pages in (it's 700 pages long) and I can't put it down. It's like LOST in book form. When I'm reading it, I get so absorbed I can't hear my husband talking to me.

Trust me- you want this book. So here's what you need to know to win it:
- Leave a comment on this post with your email address. Comments without an email address will be disregarded. I'm not kidding.
- Link or tweet for an extra entry (and let me know!).
- If you're a Google Follower or a feedburner subscriber (or become one), you get two extra entries.
- U.S. addresses only. I'm sorry- this one weighs a ton.
- You have until midnight January 31 to enter.
- I will email the winner soon after Feb.1. You have 48 hours to acknowledge with your postal address or I pick another winner.
Ooh I'm salivating over the Yann Martel, the Peter Carey, and especially the Oscar Hijuelos! Lucky you!
I have to chuckle about that one book there... A librarian has an Overdue book :-D
They all look lovely and I'm very jealous, especially since that's not all your loot.
okay... email addy is ibetnoonehasthisdamnid@yahoo.com and I'm a GR subscriber.
I am so excited about Beatrice and Virgil!
And please, please, please enter me for The Passage. I am all about post-apocalyptic thrillers you know!
lenoreva at hotmail dot com
I am a follower :)
Those books look amazing! I am a little bit jealous. And so I can't resist entering your contest, especially given you've titled it LOST in book form. Who can resist that show??
My email is meghankk at gmail dot com and I'm a subscriber through feedburner. Thanks, Marie!
Meghan @ Medieval Bookworm
That does sound interesting.. I love books with lots of action. :)
pinkflipflops44 at gmail dot com
and i am a follower.
I don't think you'll regret spending money on Alice I have Been. It's definitely a good book worth having on one's shelves.
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new Martel's book.
And of course I really really hope that I will get to win The Passage :)
lillyswistek at gmail dot com
I am also a follower.
I've seen lots of drooling over this book on Twitter. Please enter me!
+2 I follow on Google Reader.
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Wow, what a lovely stack of books! The Map of True Places and The Man from Beijing both caught my eye. I'm going to skip the giveaway.
You sure made out! Wow! I'm so jealous! I'd love to win THE PASSAGE -- I've been trying to get my hands on a copy!
Thanks for sharing!
I'd like a chance to win, too. Sounds interesting.
logankstewart [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm also a Follower/Feedburner reader.
Wow... All those books have been going dizzy.. there's a bunch of good ones there!
The Passage sounds so interesting, plus the LOST reference got me! :D
I'm a follower!
athira.c AT gmail DOT com
I love that that huge stack is "what you're going to read first"!! There are definitely a few in that stack I want to read, too — I love Hijuelos's Mr. Ives' Christmas (Mambo Kinds is on the TBR shelf), for one. The Passage sounds excellent! WordLily AT gmail DOT com
I'm subscribed to your feed.
I tweeted about your giveaway: http://twitter.com/Wordlily/statuses/8075581675
I've been dying to read this book! I've only heard people raving about it!
I'm a follower. :)
The Passage! Yes please! bdanner at gmail dot com, and I usually read via Google Reader!
And not to bribe the judge or anything, but I could save you shipping entirely just by being local. :)
You have a lot of great reading ahead of you! My addy 1330v (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I've tweeted about the giveaway: http://twitter.com/Vasilly/statuses/8076350470
and I'm a follower on Google Reader.
Me, me me!!!!! I want to win it.
I already follow you in my reader, I just tweeted about it (http://twitter.com/BethFishReads/statuses/8076517889), and I'm commenting.
BFish [dot] Reads [at] gmail [dot] com.
I'm in USA.
What an awesome stack of books!! I'm going to have to add some of these to my wish list...I keep hearing buzz about Alice I have Been.
I haven't heard about The Passage but if it's like LOST in book form, I'm in! Please add my name to the drawing.
I am a google follower!
I'm totally in for this giveaway!
I already follow you in my Google Reader and I'm going to tweet your giveaway right this instant :)
Hit me with THE PASSAGE! I've been tweeting my Passage envy for weeks! Not excited about leaving an email address here, but I'll DM you.
Okay, not all that accustomed to this. "Nickname" is Rachel Cantor ...
What a great stack you have there, Marie!!!
Have a great weekend.
i think i'm interested in the marrowbone marble company. love the title, love the look of the cover. can't get a good description but sounds intriguing nonetheless.
The Passage -- to my MAILBOX (analog mailbox, in physical book form)!
My interweb interface is freeman (dot) Leet (at) gmail (dot) com
The apocalypse is practically my middle name!
I so wish I had done to this now. Arcs make me giddy.
I've been lurking here for months, but I can surely break the silence for a chance at The Passage! I can't wait to get my hands on this one. (Ditto for Alice Have I Been - hope you plan to post a review.)
My email is sarah dot pare at gmail dot com. I've already retweeted this contest (I'm @MillerThis)
Thanks for the chance at this!
Oh count me in! I subscribe on google reader. Sounds like something I need to read.
sternapple at gmail dot com
"This Book is Overdue" - great title - can't wait for your review on that one, if it's good I know a number of librarians who are getting a copy :-)
This one sounds really good! I love Lost, The Hunger Games series and The Maze Runner. This looks like it's right up my alley!
Here's the link to where I blogged about it on my site:
Here's the tweet:
I'm also following via Google Friend Connect.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
Laura Hartness
The Calico Critic
CalicoCritic at gmail dot com
I already have a copy of the PASSAGE so don't put me in the giveaway but I just wanted to say I am dying to read both "Beatrice and Virgil" and "Likewise Parrot and Olivier!" Hope you like ALICE I HAVE BEEN!
Life by Candlelight
Count me in. I'm a feed subscriber.
kolists a/t gmail d\t com
I'm a huge fan of LOST and would love a chance to win anything that resembles that in book form. My email is pizzo underscore kathleen at yahoo dot com
I watched all your tweets so I know how much fun you had. I'm definitely reading the new Martel book. I'll wait and see what you think of the Carey one. Don't enter me-apocalyptic, post or otherwise isn't my cup of tea. Enjoy your books, I look forward to your thoughts on them.
Ugh, you lucky duck! I always go to the annual conference in summer, but haven't made it to a midwinter conf. yet...
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/bookmonstrosity/status/8086371144
+2 I'm a follower and a subscriber.
Oh I would love to win this book
Thank-you for the giveaway
I am a follower
All this competition, but I am still in! eveningreaderblog AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the contest. I'm really looking forward to reading this one. I didn't quite realize how long it was though!
I am a google follower
sounds like i can't wait to read it!
phyl613 at yahoo.com
i'm a google reader subscriber, also.
I wish i felt well enough to tag along. All the spare energy I had went into a 4 hour showing at Arisia.
I would have loved to roam about the floor with you. I am more a fan of non fiction 'little history' books
Still darn lupus
Wow -- looks like a lot of great new reads coming your way!
Please enter me in the giveaway. My email is boredd09(at)gmail(dot)com. I am also a follower.
Oh, your pile of books looks very delicious! I mean, delicious for the mind, of course. ;-)
I'd love to get my hands on a copy of The Passage, so please do enter me. My email address is toadacious1 at yahoo dot com. I'm following on Google reader, and I just retweeted your "any more takers?" tweet.
Thanks! =)
Jealous of that pile!
And I'd love to read The Passage
I'm also a GoogleFriend follower
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
Those aren't all the books you brought back with you, just your favorites? Oh...my. Have a serious case of book envy! *L*
I couldn't get a review copy of Alice I Have Been either, so looking forward to hearing what you think.
Would love a chance to read this one, so please count me in!
I'm a Google follower
alexia561@yahoo dot com
Tricia tricia.m at att.net
The Passage sounds intriguing!
+2 subscribed via RSS
cytljjb @ gmail . com
What a great stack of books. The Passage sounds amazing, please enter me....(google reader follower)
bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com
Thanks so much
Okay, okay, you've convinced me, I *do* want to read The Passage. I'm also a feedburner subscriber.
I would LOVE to win that book. :D:D
Sounds like it could be interesting (yes, even though I don't really watch Lost). But man, I am such a book nut I would have loved going to a conference like that. So much fun.
(Email's in my profile, so it should come through on the comment.)
Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
The Passage by Justin Cronin!!!!!!! Wow, please count me in.
I am a follower.
cyeates AT nycap DOT rr DOT com
Awesome stack you got there!! Please enter me in your giveaway, it sounds like an awesome read and I would love to read it!
I am also a follower of your blog!
This looks like an awesome book! Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
subscribe via reader
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Great giveaway! I'm always up for a good page turner! I tweeted and joined your blog! email is cooper585@earthlink.net Hope you scratches heal soon :}
The book looks great please enter me
Oh, I would love to read The Passage!
conradkm at gmail dot com
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