It's quality over quantity for this week's Friday Finds.
The Vanishing of Katharina Linden came from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. Thank you LT! Coming from Random House, this looks like a great literary mystery.
Another great-looking suspense thriller, Chevy Stevens' Still Missing, arrived from Macmillan. I started reading it and it's riveting. More soon!
Finally, I picked up The Patience Stone on one of my after-dinner bookstore runs. A Prix Goncourt winner by Atiq Rahimi, it promises to be a spellbinding literary read.
What's new for you this week? More Friday finds at ShouldbeReading.wordpress.com.
The cover for Still Missing is absolutely gorgeous!
I love both literary thrillers and riveting reads, so I will look these up!
Those all look good, but Still Missing looks fantastic!
I like all the covers! But remember what a horrible cover Cutting for Stone had? And yet it is so tempting to be pulled in by a beautiful cover! :--)
I admit I do NOT much like the cover of The Vanishing, but it still looks interesting.
Still Missing...ok, the first thing I though when I looked at the cover is that it yet another member of the "woman with the top of her head missing on the cover" covers. I refuse to read any of them on principle!
ok, not really.
The cover for Still Missing looks absolutely gorgeous!
My post is here.
I will be really looking forward to your thoughts on Still Missing. I got it too but was putting the reading away.
The Vanishing of Katharina Linden showed up in my mailbox this week too. Not sure what to expect but glad to know you will be sharing your thoughts too. Happy reading!
of course, because I made that comment about the half face on Still Missing. I go to the mailbox today and what is there? yes, Still Missing...so much for my boycott of half face covers.
I have been seeing Still Missing everywhere lately! I hope that you enjoy it, and all of your new reads! I will look forward to hearing what you thought of them all!
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