Some neat things this week.
I picked up Monique Charlesworth's interesting-looking novel The Children's War at Raven Used Books in Harvard Square; it's about a child lost in the chaos of World War II-era Europe and North Africa. I read the first few pages; it looks wonderful.
Proust's Overcoat is a short nonfiction book about a man obsessed with collecting the personal belongings of the legendary French writer. The coat was his prized possession and this is the story of how he wheedled his way into Proust's family, who were ashamed of their famous relation, to preserve his letters, personal items, and yes, his coat.
The Quickening is a new book out this summer from Other Press, written by Michelle Hoover. I won it from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program.
The North of God is a novella by Steve Stern, author of The Frozen Rabbi, which came out this spring from Algonquin. I still haven't read that (although I will) but in the mean time I found this entry into "The Art of the Novella" series, set during the Holocaust.
Bookmooch also brought me The Blood of Flowers, The Night Train to Lisbon, gods In Alabama and The Meaning of Night.
Have you read any of these? I'd love to know what you think. Have a great weekend!
Friday Finds is hosted at ShouldbeReading.Wordpress.com.
They all look good, but The Children's War looks particularly good.
A very mixed bag of books - I agree with bermudaonion that The Children's War is the book that most interested me.
I just got Proust's Overcoat as well. It looks really interesting, but also a bit weird! I mentioned to you earlier that I also won The Quickening from Library Thing, and I am anxious to get the chance to read it. It looks great! Lately my Library Things books have been wonderful!! Happy Reading, Marie! I hope you enjoy all of them!
I did buy The Frozen Rabbi a few weeks back.
What an impressive list of finds.
I've not read any of these but The Children's War sounds good and something about that cover of The Quickening is speaking to me.
The Quickening sounds like a good read.
All 3 sound good Marie; enjoy (I do have Proust's Overcoat).
They all look great, but I'm especially interested in Proust's Overcoat. What a wild and interesting idea!
They all look good and I have not read any of them! I did get City of God yesterday. Will start on that shortly.
Even though I've never attempted Proust, I'm always intrigued by books that at about him and/or have Proust in the title! I don't know why; this one sounds a bit bizarre.
Enjoy your books!
Love the cover of The Children's War! Haven't read any of them, so will keep an eye our for your reviews. Happy reading!
The Quickening looks interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
My Finds are HERE
The Children's War looks interesting, I would like to check that one out.
I'd also like to check out Proust's Overcoat; last year I read Remembrance of Things Past (yep, the whole thing) so now I seem to pick up on anything Proustian.
Happy reading.
Those all look really good, especially The Quickeining!
I read Lazar Malkin Enters Heaven about 30 years ago and enjoyed it, though I forget the details now. I've been meaning to try more Stern, thanks for the reminder.
Night Train to Lisbon is very good, if it's the book by Pascal Mercier.
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