Thursday, July 1, 2010

Artist's Bookmaking, Week 1

For the next seven weeks, I'll be taking a class every Thursday night at a local adult education center, called "Artist's Bookmaking."

I'll be gluing, binding, cutting and stitching, making all kinds of handmade books.

It started last week with an introductory class and lesson. The instructor, Cristina Hajosy, is an accomplished artist and she brought in a bunch samples to show us the kinds of things we'll be working on- different types of bindings and techniques such as marbling and embossing and collage and more.

For the first week, we practiced a simple Japanese stab stitch to bind the packet of handouts that Cristina made for us.

I didn't do a great job, but I had fun!

My plan for the blog is to post the previous week's project every Thursday so if you'd like to follow along, come back each week on Thursday for the latest.

According to the syllabus, tonight we'll be doing "paper folding techniques, hinges...covering book board, single sheet constructions and the basic accordion."

I've always wanted to learn to make my own books- what better hobby for a bibliophile, right? I mean, besides reading!


Mystica said...

I am constantly amazed at the range of what one can learn!

Carina said...

That sounds like much fun, and definitely a good pastime for readers and book lovers!

White Lightning! said...

I'm interested to see what you produce with this class. Any idea as to what the instructor wants you to fill the books with? Drawings, collages, words?

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a great class - perfect for a crafty bibliophile!

Marieke said...

I'm INSANELY jealous... does your instructor want to come to Scotland?

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Sounds fascinating. How I wish I was an arty, crafty type. I see some of the wonderful things other bloggers make and wish I was capable of producing such things. Do let us know how things progress.

Marie Cloutier said...

John, she wants us to do arty things- different themes, collages, writing, self expression of various kinds. We'll see about that, LOL! :-)

Marieke, I bet you could find something in your area :-)

Mystica, Bermuda & Petty- I'll keep you posted of course!

Zibilee said...

This is very, very cool! I would love to find a place where I could learn bookmaking. Good luck with your next class. I will be eager to see what you make!!

Kathleen said...

Sounds like a really cool class. I look forward to seeing your creations!

Anonymous said...

How cool and fun! I wish I could do a class like this, although I'm so clumsy I'd probably make a terrible mess of it. :p

Bellezza said...

I loved the bookmaking class I took several years ago! We learned so many stitches, to bind the 'signatures' (sections of paper), and we made covers, and everything. Oh, I get excited thinking about it, and I can't wait to see all your projects. You will love it! (I hope you make one that has pages folded almost in stars/accordian style. If not, I'll post mine. So beautiful!)

Marie Cloutier said...

Jennysbooks- I'm terrible at this so far, but I'm having a good time!

Bellezza, I'd love to see what you made! We did an accordion book last night but I think you probably mean something different. :-)

Valerie said...

I'll be watching this with interest -- I've never done book-making yet (unless I count the one I made out of fabrics for beading examples), but really want to! I want to get into visual journaling, but haven't yet. Have fun with your class!

Serena said...

how cool is that! You're going to be making books.