Some fun stuff this week.

Atiq Rahimi's novel
Earth and Ashes, new from Other Press, arrived unexpectedly this week. Thank you!!!

Ghita Schwarz's book
Displaced Persons came courtesy of
LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program. Thank you LT!
Hereville:How Mirka Got Her Sword is a graphic novel about a troll-fighting, 11-year-old

Orthodox Jewish girl, by Barry Deutsch. It comes out soon but an ARC arrived this week!

I picked up Susan Getgood's
Professional Blogging for Dummies because I'm in it- I'm profiled on page 20. Thank you Susan for this honor!

I spent the rest of my bookstore credit this week and among my new treasures are Paul Scott's Booker Prize winner,
Staying On, and Millard Kaufman's second and final novel,
Misadventure. I read Scott's Raj Quartet in high school and can't wait to read this novel, a coda to that series. I read Kaufman's first novel,
A Bowl of Cherries, last year and look forward to the follow-up. Sadly Kaufman passed away recently so this will be the last from him.
What are you reading this weekend?
More Friday Finds at
I'm reading Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich. I needed some light fare after the intense graphic novel series I just finished. Next up after this is going to be The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I'm late to that party, but I can't wait.
These finds look awesome Marie. I am really looking forward to displaced persons, and hope to check out the others as well.
Have to agree Displaced Persons looks interesting.
I will ignore your cry for attention by mentioning your are profiled in a book....ok, actually that is awesome...lol
"Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword" sounds like one of the best premises I've ever heard of.
Earth and Ashes and Displaced Persons both look fantastic!! And how cool -- you're featured in the Blogging Book!!!! Congrats!!
How cool about being profiled. And well-deserved! I happen to love the Dummies series - we have a number of them!
Congratulations on being in the Blogging for Dummies book, good for you! I'm rereading a favorite series, Pier's Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality. Also have Postmodern Times on my nightstand. Came by from New England Bloggers this morning to say hi.
Staying On interests me!
Here is my Friday Find!
These all look like great additions! I also wanted to congratulate you for the mention in the blogging book. That is just so cool!! I hope you have a great weekend.
Wow, what a nice variety! I need to look for Professional Blogging for Dummies so I can see your profile.
Great Finds!
Troll fighting?!? I'm intrigued! Enjoy your new books.
I can't wait to hear more about the graphic novel with the troll fighting girl!
Congratulations for being in the book Professional Blogging for Dummies!
You always find the most interesting books! And congratulations on being in the Blogging book! When I first heard that you were on page 20, silly me thought you had read up to page 20. Being profiled is much cooler!:D
I, too, just received Displaced Persons and have started reading it - I am enjoying it so far.
Oo, who picked up Hereville (publisher)? I read that years ago when he self-published, and it's awesome!
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