What does your bookshelf (or, what do your bookshelves) say about you to the people who come into your home?
My bookshelves say I have a lot of books, and that I don't have enough bookshelves. They say I like to read a lot of fiction and that once in a while I'm lucky enough to get an advance copy of something cool like the new Mieville of Shteyngart book, but that I like to read older fiction as well. I separate my unread books from those I've read, so I guess my bookshelves also say that I have a lot of interests and that sometimes it's hard for me to keep up with them all. I also separate out my signed books and 1st editions of Booker Prize winners along with my collection of Jane Eyre editions, so my bookshelves also say I'm a collector.
What about you?
Musing Mondays is hosted by MizB at ShouldBeReading.wordpress.com.
My bookshelves, I mean the LACK means that I need to get some! I could do a better job of organizing... I bet your library says that you are one smart lady.
A Booker prize section...now there's a good idea. In fact, maybe a few months with a range of prizes would make me see connections I've missed. To me, the compulsion to re-organise my shelves is like my need to move the furniture around in my study. The essentials haven't really change, and yet somehow, my whole feels made new and I can think clearly again. I also find all my old favourites that I suddenly MUST read NOW.
The reality is, I have easy ten times the amount of books in the garage and loft as I do on my shelves. So I long for the day when we'll have enough space for everything to be around us furnishing our rooms, so to speak.
Have you seen this Bookshelf Porn website? How wonderful is this: http://bookshelfporn.com/archive
I used to catalogue my books. But stopped it as I have too many books and no time!
Here is mine!
I like your idea of having a prize section! My bookshelves say I'm totally OCD. They sort of have a Dewey Decimal arrangement to them!!!
I catalogued my TBR stacks a few months ago and started a blog about reading through my stacks. But then I got newer books coming in, which I haven't catalogued. They're just surrounding me in my office.
The read ones go on the shelves. I did recently separate out the autographed ones.
Here's my musing:
I have over 1000 pictures books (from when I was teaching) and used to keep a spreadsheet of them all. I should do that with all the rest of my books - but am too lazy!
Here's my musing.
I think my bookshelves say that I am out of control when it comes to books! The shelves are stocked tight, and the decorative nooks close to the ceiling are stocked as well. Not to mention the boxes and stacks all over the other surfaces. I think it would be impossible for someone to come into my home and not know I love to read!
My bookshelves say I don't have enough bookshelves too!
a common theme here, the lack of enough bookcases.
My bookshelves say I have too many books and not enough shelves too! Definitely a common theme!
Care, LOL :-)
Melanie, it's fun to organize. maybe what my bookshelves really say is i'm a nerd!
Caite, Alexia, Kathy, yeah, I saw a lot of similarity in peoples' replies to this one!
how are the new Mieville and Shteyngart titles? i cant wait for the Super Sad book event here in nyc!
Surprisingly, when I looked at my bookshelves they are not too bad...always room for improvement. I wish I could be like Rhapsody and have them in more Dewey Decimal order, but I can't get motivated to do that.
I do know where all my TBR books are and I have two bookshelves that are all American History. I never mix the fiction with non-fiction and picture books I usually keep at school...at least most of them.
I think what they say about me is that I read a wide variety of books....but usually not horror. I like to collect books and like to dust!!!
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