Today is the last day of ReaderCon, an annual science fiction and fantasy literature convention held every year in Burlington, Mass., a suburb of Boston. This year is my second attending the con; even though I'm not a science fiction or fantasy reader myself, I love going because I always learn a lot, and because I always discover great new books. Since I have a full day left today, I'll save my summary for later this week but trust me- it's a great event.
I brought my e-reader along to the con and managed to read the entirety of Dan Chaon's brilliant Await Your Reply during conference breaks and downtime; truthfully, I could hardly stand to put the book down anytime. What a nailbiter! Someone told me that when I finished it I would want to start all over again- and I do! I'd had my eye on it when it came out but just never got around to it; as something I was interested in but unsure about, it seemed like a good candidate for e-reading. All I can say is, what a book!
Today I'll work on making some progress in Tom Rob Smith's Child 44, another nailbiter I'm enjoying a lot. It's keeping me going but it doesn't quite have the wild, I-have-to-know-right-now-what's-going-on quality of Await Your Reply. What I really need to start reading, though, is The Frozen Rabbi, Steve Stern's book that got such a great write-up in the New York Times Book Review last Sunday. Who says no one reads newspaper reviews anymore?
What are you up to today? I hope you're having a great Sunday.
More Sunday Salon here.
I have Await Your Reply on my TBR list. Couldn't resist your enthusiasm for the book!
I've read a few good things about Await Your Reply, guess it's about time I put it on my wish list. Child 44 is on my shelf somewhere patiently awaiting my attention - looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on that one!
I just moved Await Your Reply into my bedroom, hoping I can get to it sooner!
The books on your list sound tempting!
I'm reluctant to put them on my wish list, which is already very, very long...but hey, why not?
Here's my salon:
I heard Await Your Reply was depressing and/or sort of Coen-brothers-esque, neither of which appeals to me, so I will be Awaiting Your Review to see what your thoughts are in detail!
Loved Await Your Reply. Thought I'd read his earlier book, but, if I have, I've not written a complete review of it.
Whoa. Someone still reads newspaper reviews? Imagine that. :)
Actually I have a friend who reads newspaper reviews regularly. He prefers the London Times Literary Supplement, because he says the reviews there are much more in-depth than the New York Times. I don't know myself. Both go over my head, to be honest, when I've tried to read them, plus I'll probably never get to those books since I have enough on my own TBR pile.
I have The Third Child by Marge Piercy!
I have heard such good things about Await your Reply, and I actually have one of his other books on my shelf called You Remind me of Me. Have you read that one yet?? I hope you have a great week, Marie!
I will definitely have to check into Await Your Reply.
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