Monday, August 30, 2010

Musing Mondays: Putting it into Practice

This week’s musing asks…

How often do you actually put into practice what you learn from reading nonfiction books (if you read nonfiction, that is)?

If I'm reading a how-to book, it's because I want to learn how to do something, so I would say I put that sort of thing into practice fairly often. One of my hobbies, for example, is baking, so if I read something about a new technique for, say, rolling a pie crust, chances are I'm going to try it out. Or a technique for quiltmaking or bookmaking. And so on. What's the point of asking for advice if you don't want to take it, right?

Musing Mondays is hosted by MizB at


Zibilee said...

I think the only time I ever really put my nonfiction knowledge into practice is when cooking or when learning a new craft, like knitting.

caite said...

true...and yet I read cookbooks recipes of things I am not going to ever make. or I read a book about climbing Everest, something I will surely never do. I don't think what we learn has to be useful.

Anonymous said...

lately, most of my non-fiction applications have been from cookbooks.
when i am reading theory or philosophy (of whatever sort) that tends to only find use in random and rarely-coherent conversations with whoever is in the room at the time my brain needs to vent.
i have book on crocheting my mom gave me (um almost 2 years ago) and once i decipher it i would like to put that information into practice.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

These are some interesting thoughts, ranging from how-to books to books about adventures that we may or may not attempt.

I like the way the conversation has been stirred up by the question.

Here's my musing:

Literary Feline said...

I don't read many nonfiction books that teach practical lessons, such as baking (like in your case), so I'm not sure how I would answer this question. Something to think about, I guess!

And just after writing that I can think of two I am reading right now, as a matter of fact, that fit the bill. I'm using them more as reference guides though, so I don't think of them as books I'm actually reading reading. But that's silly because I am reading them. Just slowly, step by step.

KY Warrior Librarian said...

I love your Musing Mondays...For me, I would have to say almost 100%. I read a lot of non-fiction, whether it's self-help, hands-on, or merely thought provoking or inspirational.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

That's an interesting question, especially considering that I've been focusing on reading books about happiness for the last couple of years! I would say that I have been attempting to practice the ideas from the books and I would say that I have acquired some new habits that have been very helpful.

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks said...

"What's the point of asking for advice if you don't want to take it, right?" So true!

Although, in the non-book world, my teen daughter asks advice all the time ... just so she can do the opposite :)