First of all I want to thank everyone who commented last week on the death of my cat. I really appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to say something, either here or on Facebook or on Twitter. Jeff and I are doing okay and we've even started making arrangements to add not one but two kitties to our home in the next few weeks. We get purebred Siberians because my husband is allergic to cats and Siberians are hypoallergenic. When you're trying for a purebred it can take months so you have to start looking right away, and I didn't expect this to happen so fast but I think we lucked out with a pair of 2 year old females who are retired breeding cats. I kind of can't wait. Sasha will always be my little friend but I guess life goes on.
Reading? I've been doing plenty. I started reading Sholem Aleichem's novel Wandering Stars; historical fiction about the Yiddish theater, it came out from Random House in 2009 and I'm glad to be finally reading it. Alongside it I'm reading Hygiene and the Assassin, by Amelie Nothomb, a recent release from Europa Editions. Free Read January has been really fun and I'm looking forward to continuing through February reading "me" books along with the occasional review book. I have to read Lanceheim and The Matchmaker of Kenmare in February; other than that it's wide open. Who knows what I'll pull off my shelf next? Guess you'll just have to stick around to find out.
What are you reading? What are you looking forward to for the winter? I was going to do the War & Peace readalong organized by my friend Ann Kingman of Books on the Nightstand but I decided to do my other friend Laura's readalong of Jane Eyre instead because I just don't feel like I'm up to a big busy novel right now, and Jane Eyre is like comfort food.
Have a great Sunday and let me know what you're up to.
More Sunday Salon here.
I hope you will introduce us to your adorable kitties ! That will soften the sad loss of your cute Sasha.
I read many of Amélie Nothomb's books, but not Hygiene and the Assassin, so I'll read your thoughts with interest.
I considered the idea of reading, at last, War and Peace, but finally decided for "Gone with the Wind", completely different genre,
I just loved "Jane Eyre" when I first read it as a teenager and would much enjoy a re reading.
Have a great week !
Waiting to see the pictures of the kitties you bring home!
As I had mentioned last week, I have started a weekly feature on Sunday, Sharing Poetry With You, where I would be sharing any poem that has made an impact on me. It could be a classic one or a contemporary one, and anything in between. Do check out what poem I share today by clicking on Sunday Salon: Sharing Poetry With You. You are invited to convey your thoughts on the poem posted. In one word or many words..your choice!
It sounds like you lucked out with the new kitties. I'm allergic to cats too and had no idea Siberians are hypoallergenic.
So happy to hear you will be able to add some new cats into your household soon. I wasn't aware of this breed previously.
Have a great week Marie.
best of luck with the new kitties...or maybe they are the ones that lucked out.
I'm so sorry about your kitty. Hugs.
I have big plans for this Sunday and yet, my husband just put in The Big Lebowski so I'm sitting here watching the movie, looking at blogs, thinking about all the book reviews I could write and challenges I want to sign up for. I finished the O'Brien book this morning - so very very good. I had to put it down and switch to something lighter last night so that I wouldn't dream about Nam, so now I'm back to some silly caper comic mystery narrated by a... wait for it... a cat. :)
Have really enjoyed reading through your kitten options on Twitter this week. Clever you has found a wonderful and positive way to work through your grief, so hats off to you.
Love Jane Eyre! Enjoy the re-read!
I will be reading Matchmaker of Kenmare in Feb too and am looking forward to it! I just started Life of Pi - hard to believe I am only now getting to this book!
Congrats on the upcoming new additions to your family!
So glad to hear that you and Jeff are doing okay and that you're going to adopt two kittens! Looking forward to meeting them!
Marie, when my little Persian Anabella died a few years ago, we waited a couple of weeks and then went down to the animal shelter and adopted three other cats. It felt a little sudden, but they brought me so much joy and helped me cope with my sadness so much better. I think you are doing the right thing and hope that the new additions turn out to be perfect fits for you and Jeff.
Are you going to the Books in the Nightstand retreat in April? I'm planning on going.
I can't wait to see pictures of your cats when they arrive.
Congrats on your new fur babies! I didn't know Siberians were hypoallergenic either! I can't wait to meet them too!
As far as reading... thanks for sharing your friend Laura's readalong of Jane Eyre! I have never read Jane Eyre, only watched the BBC production of the book, and look forward to reading along with a group!
I am currently reading Jude the Obscure (1895) by Thomas Hardy. And I am enjoying it. If anyone hadn't yet read this he/she should. It's about social class and the 'stupidity' of some laws esp the idea of marriage.
Glad you and Jeff are doing well and are looking to get two more cats. Enjoy.
As for what I read yesterday, not much. I did go see a movie based on a book, True Grit, so I guess it sort of counts, right? :) Tonight, I might continue A Letter of Mary by Laurie R. King, but I'm already feeling the pressure of other books...and for right now, this isn't grabbing me. It's good, but I'm not sure if it's the book for right now.
I am allergic to cats and had no idea there were cats like the Siberian that I could have. I am going to be adding a cat to my household in the future. Shhh...don't tell my dog!
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