Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Finds! Cool Stuff Once Again, Cause I Do Have Awesome Taste

The first thing I got this week, from Bookmooch, is Andrea Levy's The Long Song, nominated for the Booker Prize last year. It looks great!

Vestments, by John Reiminger, is a wonderful-looking novel about a conflicted Catholic priest. I'd had my eye on this book at one of my local indies for a long time and decided to finally take the plunge.

Finally, I got Abraham Joshua Heschel's The Sabbath, his meditation on the Jewish day of rest. I came across this book several years ago when I was cataloging a collection of books in a disused library; I read some of this slim and lovely volume but I'd like to take the time to read the whole thing. Heschel was an important and influential rabbi and an activist; he marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and worked tirelessly throughout his life for social justice.

What did you find this week? More Friday Finds at


ImageNations said...

great titles. Levy's has been on my mind. Tomorrow I am going on a book hunt in Accra. I hope to find some interesting titles

bermudaonion said...

You do have awesome taste! The Sabbath looks particularly interesting to me.

Zibilee said...

What great books! I also agree with Kathy about the Sabbath book. It will be interesting to hear what you think of it, and your opinions might sway me so much I will have to go out and grab a copy! Enjoy them all!

Dave said...

Best find was a review copy of "Townie," the memoir of Andre Dubus III, who also wrote the haunting "House of Sand and Fog." Started it right away, even though it's interfering with a book club selection, "An Introduction to Islam for Jews."

nomadreader said...

I really enjoyed The Long Song (and seriously need to read Small Island now). I hope you like it too!

Anonymous said...

I own The Sabbath, and thoroughly enjoyed it, got a lot out of it, and continue to refer back to it.

I have The Long Song on my TBR stack.

Have a nice weekend.

Vasilly said...

Great finds. I read some of Heschel's The Sabbath years ago but never finished it. Thanks for reminding me about it. Have you heard of Juddith Schulevitz's The Sabbath World? It was published last year. I haven't read it yet but it's on my tbr list. Happy reading.

Kathleen said...

Enjoy your finds. The Sabbath sounds appealing to me.

TheBookGirl said...

You got some lovely books this week. I have Vestments on my TBR pile - thanks for reminding me :)

We have one or two of Heschel's works around the house, but not The Sabbath. I will be interested to read your thoughts.

Booksnyc said...

I am impressed that you got The Long Song from Bookmooch - I never seem to find anything relatively recent from there! Enjoy - I heard an interview with the author and it really piqued my interest!