Saturday, February 26, 2011

Persephone Reading Weekend

I'm going to try to participate in Persephone Reading Weekend, hosted by CardiganGirlVerity and Paperback Reader.

I've got Amy Levy's Reuben Sachs to read this weekend. It's a shortish novel about a Jewish family in Victorian England.

No promises I'll finish but I'll start and do what I can.

Are you reading a Persephone book this weekend? Go to either of the blogs hotlinked above for more Persephone Reading Weekend posts and participants.


Mystica said...

I do not have a Persephone book to read but I am following the weekend reading very closely. Some absolutely delightful books have been recommended all around.

Paperback Reader said...

I am intrigued by Reuben Sachs and looking forward to your thoughts when you manage to post them.

Thank you for the link love.

Bellezza said...

I've not read Reuben Sachs, but how can one go wrong with a Persphene Book? My only 'complain' is that the weekend would last longer! Thanks once again for being my first Persephone Secret Santa. I hope you have time that you need to indulge this weekend.

ImageNations said...

Enjoy the challenge.

Frances said...

I am not familiar with that one. Will be glad to read what you make of it. Happy reading!

Kathleen said...

Enjoy your Persephone Reading weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm not reading a particular Persephone this weekend, but dipping in and out of the ones I have and enjoying everyone elses posts. I read Reuben Sachs last year and it both shocked and got to me. A great read I thought.

Zibilee said...

I hope that you enjoy the book! The next time there is a Persephone Reading Weekend, I really want to participate!