Monday, June 13, 2011

Musing Monday- Can't Put it Down

This week’s Musing asks…
What’s the last thing you stayed up half the night reading because it was so good you couldn’t put it down?
The last thing I couldn't put down was Assaf Gavron's page-turning and brain-stimulating Almost Dead. Almost Dead is about an Israeli man who survives three suicide bombings only to become a media celebrity- and a target. The narrative is told from two perspectives, that of the victim and the terrorist, and shows the two men circling ever closer and closer together until the final denouement. It was awesome!

More Musing Monday at


Yvonne said...

I haven't heard of this one, but it does sound good. My Muse is here

Mystica said...

You always have unusual reads! this sounds so good.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow - LOVE your description - short but very sweet. I can already imagine the suspense as the story unfolds. Definitely checking this one out!

Here's my Musing Mondays (June 13) post!

gautami tripathy said...

I mentioned two novels out of many!

Here is my Monday: Mailbox/What Are You Reading?/Musings post!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good one :)

Here's mine:

caite said...

No, I have not heard of this one either..

But with my work schedule, I rarely stay up past my bedtime..whenever that might be at the moment.

rhapsodyinbooks said...

I loved To Be Sung Underwater by Tom McNeal and actually I thought of emailing you about it after I read it, because it seemed like one you would love also!

bermudaonion said...

I generally don't stay up half the night reading even when I love a book. I need my beauty sleep!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Ooh, that one does sound good! Thanks for sharing....


Zibilee said...

I can't remember the last time I stayed up past my bedtime to read a book, but I do remember last weekend was a particularly involved reading time when I was in the middle of A Visit From the Goon Squad.

Kristin said...

Sounds fascinating!

Mine is here:

Kathleen said...

I'm adding this one to my list. It must be really good if you stayed up to read it!

Anonymous said...

This looks incredible. It's the first I'm seeing of it.