Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Salon - Read-a-Thons and Other Stuff

Yesterday was the 24 Hour Read-a-Thon and I decided at the last minute to participate. I used the opportunity to finish three books that I'd been reading simultaneously; it was a great day of reading and relaxing and blogging! Now I'm deep into Jetta Carleton's The Moonflower Vine, republished recently by HarperCollins after being out of print since 1962. It's a wonderful family story set during the early 20th century in Missouri. But it's not a sappy heartwarmer; it's about a family full of turmoil and conflict, beautifully written. I don't do sappy heartwarmers, generally speaking.

I want to extend my thanks to everyone who helped organize the Read-a-Thon and to all the cheerleaders and commenters. The Read-a-Thons are great community events and it's always so much fun to participate, when I remember they're happening!

Challenge-wise, I read my two Europa Editions for October- Everything Happens Today and Poisonville. The review for Everything will be forthcoming this week. For next month, I think I'll read The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress, by Beryl Bainbridge, and Days of Fear, by Daniele Mastrogiacomo. I've been meaning to read more nonfiction and Mastrogiacomo's book about being held captive by the Taliban sounds really fascinating.

Activity-wise it's been a slow week for me. Life is about to get busier but I'll have more on that next week. In the mean time this evening I'm looking forward to a big family birthday party and some more reading today, in between bouts of housework.

Just for fun, here's a picture of my Pandora-kitty enjoying her yellow chair. Is she cute or what?

I started a blog on Tumblr. Come follow me! I'll post miscellaneous bookish stuff there from time to time- random stuff that catches my attention.

What are you up to today? Sorry for the brief post but there's not much to talk about today! I hope you're having a great Sunday. More Sunday Salon here.


Aarti said...

You must feel so accomplished to have finished off three books all in one day! I know I would :-)

Anonymous said...

I've got 3 books done so far in the read-a-thon. I'm hoping to get to 5 :)

Anonymous said...

Good work! And, yes, of course, the kitty is just adorable. :O)

ImageNations said...

On course. Enjoy the books

gautami tripathy said...

You have done well. Keep it up!

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

I always want to join a readathon and then something else gets in the way. Good for you on finishing three books! The Moonflower Vine is one I've heard about before so thanks for the reminder on tracking a copy down. And ooh, Pandora - I love a cute cat picture. (So I whisper quietly while my cat sits on my lap. Wouldn't want to get him all rankled up). :)

bermudaonion said...

It sounds like you had a very successful readathon.

Vasilly said...

You did great! Today I'm just reading and relaxing. Have a great Sunday.

Jeanne said...

Pandora is so lovely.

Alexia561 said...

Congrats on a productive read-a-thon! I'm not very good at those, so tend to sit them out. And I'm impressed that you've started another blog, as I have enough trouble keeping up with one! *L*

Love the kitty pix! What a gorgeous tail, and how funny that she has her own chair!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Glad u enjoyed the read-a-thon; couldn't participate this year.

Pandora is so pretty:)

JoAnn said...

You had a successful readathon! Some day I'll get a chance to join in. Just followed you on tumblr (I think). Started a blog there, but am not really sure how it works yet.

Anonymous said...

I was up to everything but reading yesterday. This week, though, I plan to refocus on reading, mostly Ken Bruen's Jack Taylor series before digging into some friend's books for November. How was the birthday party last night?

Anna said...

You did great, and it sounds like you had fun! It must be nice to cross 3 books off your list!

Care said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your enthusiasm! And Pandora-kitty is really amazingly pretty. Meow

And Tumblr? Really?? Sigh...

Kathleen said...

This is the first time in several years that I didn't cheer lead during the Read-a-Thon. I'm glad you had fun participating. I hope to again, next year.